air conditioner in kids room

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2Xthelove, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    so the heat and humidity is back UGGGHHHHH love the summer hate the humidity.......

    we don't have central air yet so we put air conditioners in their bedroom. when they were born we were in the middle of renovating our home so DD's room had a full size bed and that's where we slept for 6 months. they were in snuggle nests in the bed with me and DH in our bed. when they were rolling over they went into the crib.
    i had the air conditioner in there with us then and i kept it on energy saver set to 71 if it got hotter then it just turned on. now they are in separate bedrooms and they each have an air conditioner. my problem is i am not in the room with them to see if it is cold or not. do i leave it on energy saver all night? what should they wear? pajamas with shorts? long sleeve? pants with short sleeve's? or turn off the air conditioner at night and just let them wear a onesie. in this humidity and if we turn off the airconditioner it will get really hot in here. the air conditioner in the living room is real old and has no thermostat so it just keeps getting colder and colder. i have to keep turning it on and off all day so i can't just leave it on at night. then if i leave their door open the airconditioner will just keep turning on and do you think their room will get too cold if the air is just coming out of their room? i didn't have a problem last summer but maybe that's because i felt safer with me in the room to monitor everything.
    does anyone else have this problem or did have this problem. even if you don't what would your suggestion be.
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I had this problem last year with the air conditioner in the boys room, you had to put it at the exact right spot either the compressor would shut off because it was too low or it would keep getting colder and colder. I remember going in there 50 times before it would be perfect "weather" in there and I would still be worried and check during the night. Last year I usually put long pants/short sleeve shirt pj's on them because they never keep their blanket on.

    This year we put that air in our room and a different one we had in their room. It has the knob with Low, Med and High Cool or Fan and a knob numbered 1-8. I started by putting their AC on about an hour before bedtime until I found the perfect combo which happened to be the first knob on Low Cool and the second on 2. Their room is not longer hot and sticky (it's 98 here today) it nice and cool but not cold and if they wind up without their blanket their skin is not cold when they wake in the morning, they also sleep in shorts/tee pj's this year.
  3. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest leaving it on the engergy saver all night and let it kick on if it gets over 71 degrees and then leave their door open a little too. I would also dress them in long sleeves and pants. Do they sleep with a blanket yet? If so, cover them with the blanket and they will usually find their way out of it if it's too hot. If they do get too hot, you will know it. Uncomfortable children don't sleep. Hope you find your winning combination and everyone gets some sleep.
  4. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I dress the boys in pants and long sleeves or tshirts and a blanket. They kick the blanket off if they don't want it. I check on them in the middle of the night when I get up to go to the bathroom and adjust it then.
  5. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I would keep them in long sleeves & pants. Most children that age aren't great @ keeping a blanket on.

    I would keep the A/C on energy saver.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    we have a simple air conditioner in the kids room - it doesn't have an energy saver function...I keep it on about middle of the knob between high and low and it keeps the room cool enough (about 68 or so)...

    I put them in shorts/t-shirt pj's - BUT I have naturally warm kids - if DD could walk around naked year round she would! Oh and their skin is never cold when they get up...they have a blanket but generally sleep ON it rather than UNDER it...

    if they are too cold they won't sleep either - I wouldn't put long sleeves/pants on them - that just seems waaay too warm!
  7. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    we use the energy saver feature too. it seems to work fine in there....we had it set to 70 last night. the kids are in pjs, with either long sleeves or short sleeves...they do have blankets too. ds has finally figure out how to cover himself w/ one if he needs i feel he is fine. dd doesn't. i do check on them when i get up in the middle of the night. i am always hot though, so i'm not a good test of whether it is a good temp or not! lol!
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Energy saver would be my vote. I pay pretty close attention to the temp in their room around 70. Seems to be perfect. They get hot even at 70, so I think you'll be right on. You can adjust their clothing as you go forward....
  9. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    wow, there's a lot of warm blooded folk out there!! LOL

    we set the thermostat to 74 in the babies' rooms at night, and they sleep in footed sleepers. before they fall asleep, we put it at 72, because they tend to get warm when they are just going down, but then about an hour later we set it to 74 for the rest of the night. we also have separate a/c units in different bedrooms and when i go in there about twice a night they always seem fine. if we had it at 70, i would freeze to death!! LOL

  10. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i do put blanketsin the crib with them but they keep getting out of them. every ime i get up at night to goto the bathroom i check on them and put the blanket on them. i am playing with the temps and i think i have them pretty good right now. DD's room is bigger and i have hers at 71. DS's room is smaller and his is at 73 and seems comfortable. i am going tomorrow to buy them some more jammies that will be better. right now i have a few but need more. they have t's with shorts and short sleeve with long pants. i wanna get them the 2 peice footed sleepers if i can find them. but only for DD. DS don't need them because his feet sweat. who would of known the problems one would have over an air conditioner.

    thank you everyone for all your help.
  11. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    We set ours at 73 degrees and the girls have on lightweight long sleeve pj's. it seems to work for us.
  12. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    We were just discussing this last night too! We decided to go with shorts pjs and set the energy saver to 74. This way it might be a bit warm but I wouldn't be concerned about it being too hot. We have a/c in the other rooms too so the house isn't really too hot anyway. It may be 95 outside but it is pretty comfortable inside. I'd rather the kids be too hot than too cold. If they are uncomfortable, you'll probably find out quickly.
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