Ahhh...Are kicks supposed to feel this violent???

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Marie_B, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. Marie_B

    Marie_B Well-Known Member

    So I'm 31 weeks now and had not much sleep last night due to occasional contractions and LOTS of kicking from these babes! They were up most of the night and the whole day yesterday. Hence my questions:

    1. I've noticed that their kicks are getting much stronger and coming in full force. Sometimes when they kick, mt body literally vibrates as well (I'm not a big person). I initially thought that the less room would make the movements less pronounced. Is this how it felt for you at this stage of the pregnancy? When do the kicks usually slow down?

    2. Baby A sits breech (bum first) very low in my cervix. When he moves it gets a little painful. Also when i touch my lower abdomen right above my pubic bone i literally feel him and see him moving. What worries me is the sharp, painful feeling I get when he's kicking like something might fall out. Is this what pelvic pressure feels like? Will this change my cervix?

    Funny how we feel scared when we don't feel movement and how we also feel scared when they move a lot!LOL
  2. Marie_B

    Marie_B Well-Known Member

    So I'm 31 weeks now and had not much sleep last night due to occasional contractions and LOTS of kicking from these babes! They were up most of the night and the whole day yesterday. Hence my questions:

    1. I've noticed that their kicks are getting much stronger and coming in full force. Sometimes when they kick, mt body literally vibrates as well (I'm not a big person). I initially thought that the less room would make the movements less pronounced. Is this how it felt for you at this stage of the pregnancy? When do the kicks usually slow down?

    2. Baby A sits breech (bum first) very low in my cervix. When he moves it gets a little painful. Also when i touch my lower abdomen right above my pubic bone i literally feel him and see him moving. What worries me is the sharp, painful feeling I get when he's kicking like something might fall out. Is this what pelvic pressure feels like? Will this change my cervix?

    Funny how we feel scared when we don't feel movement and how we also feel scared when they move a lot!LOL
  3. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Mine started to slow down around 34ish weeks. Though they slowed down, yes they vibrated my body and were strong. i had braxton hicks from early on and like you never got much sleep at night. The babies seemed to get ticked off when i would lay on my side though i coudlnt breath on my back. AS for your second question i'm not sure of a for sure answer though my baby was head down down there and i could feel him moving and I couldnt sit certain ways. I guess that it's just the pressure on your body down there and yes it hurts, but remind youself you have two in their. LOL. I"m not sure if it will cause changes to your cervix but i felt it from about where you are at and i made it 36 weeks. Keep em in their girl, and relax and put your feet up. Good Luck Hope i helped a little
  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I'm not as far along as you...but lately their kicks have been super painful! It all made sense when I went to my check-up yesterday. Last visit they were both breech, and at this visit they were both head down, had switched sides (that's two entire placentas switching places!) and they had switch who was on top vs. bottom. Are you sure your babies haven't changed positions in the last little bit? Could be the cause....

  5. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    I have been into L&D 5 times since I hit 30 weeks. [​IMG]Twin A is vertex with his head so low in my pelvis that they have a hard time seeing his head at all on u/s. It is very painful when I sit or stand. I am now 4 cm dilated 75% effaced. Docs keep telling me that this has nothing to do with babies position. Who knows?

    My boys kick ALL the time and they are very big kickers, very strong. I feel lots of movement low in my pelvis. That doesn't include the 3-4 bouts of hick-ups that one or the other gets each day. [​IMG]
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