ah man, another potty training question?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by carlylafont, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost two (they will be next month). One of my girls is getting naked and then pooping the bed. She has gone to on the potty once (that was a few days ago). I have tried to keep them engaged in the activity to get to this transition.... They both sleep in cribs still. So how long does this "get naked and poop/pee in your bed" phase last? Is there something anyone can suggest to get them moving past it. I keep telling them to say, "MOM I have POOP!" and will come running to fix them (and have, and it of course it too late)...

    We haven't transitioned them to regular beds yet because of a closet door issue and because of figuring out the full on baby proofing their room...I NEED their naps just as much as they need their naps...

    What have you done? or what do you do to get over this? I can't stand the jump in laundry, pge and water any longer.I don't care if they sleep naked, but jeez- don't pee or poop on yourself!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    OH gosh... my kids have never done that. Have you thought about using onsies in cribs or putting diaper on backwards? I can't imagine the laundry load! Good luck!
  3. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    Oneises fail!! My girls know how to get those off. The Backwards diaper- I will try it.
  4. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    Is it only happening at nap time? Are they doing it before they go to sleep do you think? If the answers are yes you might want to think of staying in the room with them until they fall asleep. That way you can discourage the clothing removal. We are staying in the room at the beginning of nap time to keep the boys calm. DH read his e-book and I usually crochet to pass the time.
    Also you might want to search google for clothing they can't take off. I found a link once for clothes designed so that toddlers couldn't take them off and poo the bed. Hopefully this is just a nasty phase.
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    My DS went through a phase and I it was absolutely the most disgusting thing ever. For us, it lasted about a month and he did it maybe 5x's. He smeared it on the walls, all in his bedding, the chair, etc. What worked for us was cutting the feet off of a few pairs of one piece pj's and putting it on him backwards so it zipped up the back. I've heard of duct taping the diaper and putting it on backwards or the onsie on backwards as well. Good luck! I can still remember how angry it made me.
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  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    UGH! It is a gross phase. :bad: DS went through it, but luckily it was very short lived.

    I was going to suggest what the pp'er suggested. The zip up pajamas(backwards) works well. I would at least do it for the naps. It requires an extra clothes change, but it would hopefully eliminate all the yucky clean up mess.
  7. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My two went through a really bad phase probably around the same time as yours. They would take off their clothes, diapers. I had pee and poop everywhere. I thought they must be ready to potty train. Well DS was probably close but physically they don't seem to have the "ready" signs. As I was trying to PT and deal with holidays and a crawling baby getting into the potty chairs I finally gave up. I was crying every day. I couldn't handle it. What finally worked for me is #1 I use duck tape on the front of their diapers to keep them from easily pulling them off (DS still occasionally will pull his diaper off like underpants). BUT the big thing that worked for me was bribery!! LMAO It was DH's idea. I was giving them M&M's for using the potty so as I was crying every morning from a diaper mess...DH suggested giving them an M&M every time they got up from their naps/morning if they still had their diaper and PJ's on. I wasn't super thrilled with giving them an M&M at 6:45am BUT it worked!! LMAO After a week and a half they forgot about the m&m's and left the diaper on (still using duck tape though!). SO I don't know if bribery is the best advice out there but the combination of duck tape and m&m's worked for us. Once I got passed that I decided we are just not ready for potty training or toddler beds. My little one is now walking everywhere and I'm scared to leave the bathroom door open for fear he'll get hurt in there. It's just never ending stress. I'm going to give it a few more months and see where everyone is. Good luck on the diaper/pee/poop thing but if it makes you feel any better it did seem to be a phase for us and they did get past it for the most part.
  8. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I didn't cut the feet off, but zipper PJs on backwards worked well, as did sleep sacks on backwards.

    I need to do the reward in the morning again... my dd keeps waking up wet and won't put on her "big girl night night panties"... anymore. so I'm not sure what else to do. I think for us some type of star chart or m&m or vitamin first thing in the morning might help out.

    good luck figuring out what to do to help your little ones!
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The backwards diaper didn't work for us because they pulled the diaper down like a pull up. Thankfully it was a short lived phase here as well. Duct tape around the diaper did work because for some reason it made it harder to pull the diaper down as well.
  11. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My ds did this for what felt like MONTHS! When it was at its worst we did the pj's backwards with the feet cut off. It was the ONLY thing that he could not get out of. I did use duct tape on days when I figured he'd just forget and it worked sometimes.
    Good luck!
  12. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    The duct tape worked last night!! I put it around them like a belt. They were excited about it too. I think I just need to get them PT'd asap.
  13. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Zipped up PJs backwards is what worked for us.
  14. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I thought I'd add something. I "poop" trained all the boys (4) first, before "pee" training. I would catch them when I knew they needed to go, put them on the toilet and that seemed to start them thinking about where they needed to go. We would talk about where it's appropriate to go and where it's not.

    3 of 4 of mine had "poopy parties" in their rooms, yuck!!! With the twins we used an inside out, backward sleep sac for a while. That was until they figured out how to slide them off. But by that time, they were ready to fully potty train.

    I truly hope you can get them to stop, because I think this problem was one of the hardest ones to deal with.
  15. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    haha... love it! inside out, now that's a way I hadn't thought of!!

    as for the whole poopy thing... it kinda backfired on us that when we potty trained we would react quicker to their calls for "poopy"... once they realized that they would call out poopy a lot! oh ugh! but sometimes when they called out they actually did need to go, and it took them a little while to figure it all out.

    good luck!
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