aggressive boys?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    DS has always been more physical than dd, but lately it's been a bit out of control & he's been hurting people. Every time I turn around it seems like he's hitting sister with a toy, poking me in the eye, spitting in my face, etc. It's driving me crazy!! And honestly, it's not like he's doing it to be mean......I truly think he's just playing & getting carried away. I've talked to him til I'm blue in the face & it doesn't do anything. Most of the time he's not listening anyway.....he's been having a really hard time focusing lately. Time outs help for awhile, then he's back to it. Taking the toys away seem like the only thing that helps a little. I was feeling so frustrated with it all, then yesterday I was talking to my sis & her 4 yr old is doing the same thing to her while she's on the phone. I had to laugh.......I was really starting to wonder if something was wrong with my son!

    Is there anything to help with this behavior? Maybe some activties to channel all this extra energy into? It's finally been nice enough to play outside a few days & when they play outside he hardly ever fights or hits or pokes.
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Whether it's intentional or not, it's not ok to be rough. They need to learn that. My boys are in the same predicament at times. They are too rough because they don't neccessarily have an idea of how it hurts. But, each time I tell them no, be gentle, and then show them how to be gentle. Sometimes, when I know it's because they are getting carried away, they get a consequence for it. They need to learn self control, and now is the perfect age to teach it.

    I think the key is to pick when he can be rough, and when it's not ok (like for us, they can be a little rougher with each other and their brother...not too rough, but it's not ok to be rough with other kids). And be consistant about it. That's really the key...consistancy!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Mine get a timeout for being rough and they need to apologize to the victim when they are done serving their 10 minute sentence. :)
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    This is tough because I have kids that don't like rough play and they get roughed up sometimes by their younger cousin who they've been taught for 2.5 yrs. to be gentle with because he's smaller than them. That's the best play for him, but not for mine. I would definitely read up and take steps to help them learn to control it.
    There's NOTHING wrong with him - for sure! He's just a boy boy. That's fine, it will suit him fine when the bigger kids get a little rough on the playground.
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My son is like that he's 2 1/2 and when he gets over excited he usually ends up throwing something or hitting someone. When he does he goes straight into time out. That is not acceptable behavior. It is hard sometimes since when we go to my moms house my nephew (he's 8 1/2) has lots of guns and loves to wrestle, fights, and do a lot of things that we don't want our son doing especially since he gets carried away and doesn't know when to stop. Just today he was excited playing with his sisters and daddy, they were running around the house and play attacking daddy (they were dogs and wrestling with daddy) and out of no where my son finds a book and throws it at my dh. He was put straight into time out and then he needs to appologize to him. It's tough but like a pp said he has to learn self control.
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    um.......yeah, today he actually broke a bowl over dd's head. :( It was a cheap bowl & easy to break, but still!! They snuck it back to their bedroom & when dd came out crying that she got an owie, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it. (She's kind of a drama queen) But then ds walks out with a bit of broken bowl & when I asked "Where did you break the bowl?" He said "On Zoe's head." I couldn't believe it at first, but dd had the same story & her owie was on her head (no cuts or bruises, though, so it wasn't bad) He had a very long timeout in bed & we had a long talk afterward......but this was SO not good!!
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