agghhh PT regression

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    we were at the point where Noah would keep his pants dry and if Aiden was naked he would use the potty on his own. I had to remind Noah to go but even though he would poop in the pants he would at least not pee. Now Noah pees in his pants (underwear or sweatpants) and it's like pulling teeth to get them to even sit..they just don't want to do it. When I can get them to sit they usually pee so they haven't regressed that far but I felt like we were making progress and now we took 2 steps back. Any idea on where to go from here???
  2. Lvdargan

    Lvdargan Well-Known Member

    Oh, man - don't you just love kids :headbang:

    Are you using sticker charts or any other incentive? Maybe it is time to change it up a little bit. Also, I would go back to naked for both, stay home and stalk them. As soon as they start to go, rush them to the potty. I used to keep the little potties in whatever room we were in. I think if you did a few days of that you would be all set. And praise, praise, praise! My kids always loved the "potty dance" basically just me making a fool of myself!
  3. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    I had to deal with total regression a while back. Right around his 3rd birthday, ds1 potty trained in about 3 days - no fuss, no muss. Then...his baby brother was born, and in the confusion of having different caregivers for a while (mainly my mother), he ended up back in diapers. After the craziness of those first couple of weeks was over, I tried to put him in underpants again, and he would wet them constantly. He would need HUGE bribes to even sit on the potty. My biggest mistake was only doing it halfway - I would put him in pull-ups when we went out to playdates, the library, etc.

    Eventually, months later, I went full-out and got rid of the pull-ups completely (for daytime, at least). I got some cloth training pants they wore when we were out of the house, and and home they were just naked with a potty in almost every room. It took about a week with a lot of messes, but eventually they got it. Now they're fully trained and only have the occasional accident. However, nighttime is another story...we're not there yet. :blush:
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We have the same problem with one of mine right now. I brought it up to the Ped and she said to go back to diapers for a couple of months and then try again. No pressure!! We were having a battle of the minds over it.
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