Ages 3 and 4--- easier or harder to shop with?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KCMichigan, May 27, 2009.

  1. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Anyone else going batty at shopping.....???

    I have to run 99.9%of errands with my girls since DH works odd/erratic hours. That said one DD is GREAT and walks well, helps as best as she can and is generally a good sport. My other DD is under the cart, wandering away, laying on the floor, putting stuff in the cart, mouthing the cart/goods etc.... ARGH! She usually ends up in the cart at some point. But there is no room for both of them and our shopping...the face to face carts and DD2 kicks DD1.

    If one walks, the other wants to walk.

    I have them 'help' by putting things I ask for in the cart, they have a snack usually, overall it is starting to not be pleasant. I give a treat for good behavior , tried taking them one on one (when able), given then things to find, etc......any ideas?!?

    I NEED to get errands done- but DD2 is making it so hard! She used to be content to sit in the cart and she fiddled with stuff, but nothing to this extreme (side note she DOES have sensory trouble and has always had a hard time shopping, but it was managable before)

  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    KC, I have no idea really - (helpful! :good: ) Mine don't get to go too much, so they are happy in a double car cart with a cookie! :hug: I hope you get some great ideas!
  3. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    I too drag my duo with me pretty much wherever I go and have found that I need to limit either the number of errands and/or the time. They are good for 2-3 short errands or 1 long one -- anything beyond that ends in disaster.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(frickandfrack @ May 27 2009, 09:59 AM) [snapback]1329703[/snapback]
    I too drag my duo with me pretty much wherever I go and have found that I need to limit either the number of errands and/or the time. They are good for 2-3 short errands or 1 long one -- anything beyond that ends in disaster.

    I agree. Mine have always been pretty good in stores because they are used to going out with me. Now with Evan, errands have to fit into his schedule, so our outings are short. Bringing snacks is a good idea. Good luck!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I don't take mine shopping by myself (we do it on the weekends and "divide and conquer"), but I feel like this age is hard for getting out & about in general. When they're feeling cooperative, it's easier than ever before, because they can help and follow instructions so well -- but when they're not feeling cooperative, watch out! It's not even a question of tantrums (usually), it's just that they can be completely on another planet, doing what they want to do, and giving instructions is like talking to a wall. So, I don't have any great suggestions, but I sympathize!

    One thing that does seem to help (some) is to talk about expectations a lot, while we're still in the car. Never assume that because you had that talk with them last time you went to the grocery store, they'll remember it this time!
  6. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    When I got our alone with all 3 boys I NEVER have a problem. Dylan sits in the front and Brandon in back behind Ty's carseat. They are always VERy well behaved that people actaully say something to us. Now when Dh and I go out with all 3 kids its a freak show and I end up getting VERY mad. DH lets them get away with everything while Im the one that does not and they know it. I think they think b/c hes there they can do what ever. In the cart out of the cart under the cart. Tossing this is and that out OMG its a mess!!!!!! On those trips we try to find something in the store that they like such as a toy to play with or a snack to munch on and we can ,ake it through the trip. I think I might just start doing all my shopping ALONE with the kiddos.
  7. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I have two three year olds, and one four year old. We go shopping and running errands just the four of us all the time. I usually have no trouble, but I tend to run a fairly tight ship. I also have no experience with sensory issues, so I really don't know how much of a role that creates for you and your DD.

    EVERY time I take my kids out with me we talk about the expected behavior before we leave the car. We may start talking as we drive to the store, but for sure, before the doors are opened, we have a little "pow-wow". :good: I say things like, "What are the rules when we are in the parking lot? hold hands What are the rules while we're in the store? stay with the cart Do you touch anything while in the store? NO! Are we buying treats or toys for you? No! What happens if you break any of the rules? We have to sit in the cart.

    When we're done with our "pow-wow" we leave the car and do our thing. Like a PP mentioned, I usually do get lots of compliments on how well behaved my children are and it makes the time and energy spent well worth it. :cool: I have noticed that my children's behavior is usually fairly in tune with my attitude and demeanor. If I am able to create the illusion of having the patience of a sainte, my kids usually do really well. If I start to get frustrated or impatient with them, they start acting out more.

    Oh, I almost forgot! Depending on the time of day that we end up going shopping, I may also pack a baggie of animal crackers for the kids. They are not allowed to eat them until they are sitting quietly IN the cart though. I also pack water bottles for them to drink after the crackers are eaten. They usually do this at the beginning of the trip, so by the time the cart is filling up, two of them are done and able to get out so I can load it some more. :)

    Going shopping with my kids is usually a very pleasant experience. And I won't lie, I suck up the compliments and allow myself to feel a little puffy with pride. However, I also have to admit that those shopping trips take a huge amount of energy and can sometimes leave me feeling totally drained! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those rare times when I can go shopping alone, or even when my DH is able to come with us! :lol:
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    It really depends on the mood, the time of day, the store. If I can get a cart that can hold all three, we're usually fine. I do give the girls a snack in the cart (yeah, call the police on me). Keeps them occupied. When they have to walk along with me, that's when it gets annoying. Ainsley wants everything she sees. Bea, I swear is trying to get me to step on her! She walks in such a way that she gets right in front of me, or prevents me from turning the cart. I don't really have problems with wandering, it's more being all up on me, or wanting to hang off the cart, get in the cart, etc. It was better when they were oblivious to the items on the shelf!

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