Again with the snacks

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by plattsandra103, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    yeah, i'm new at snacks, can you tell? we just started when we dropped the 2 pm milk bottle/sippy 2 weeks ago. now we are in the middle of a nap crisis (past 3 days), so they are awake for much longer periods and i'm pretty sure they might be needing food more often.

    it USED to be:

    7 a.m. milk sippy/bottle (bear will not let go yet)
    8:45 breakfast: fruit & pancake, or yogurt and scrambled eggs & turkey ham, waffle or some combo of those
    9:30 - 10:30/11:00 nap
    12:00 lunch (this is our "main" meal where we give what you would for dinner)
    2:00 snack
    2:30-3:30/4:00 nap
    5:00 dinner (choices are the same as breakfast, or a sandwich)
    8:00 bottle & bed

    NOW it's looking like
    7 a.m. milk sippy/bottle
    8:45 breakfast
    12:00 lunch
    12:30 nap
    2:30/3:00 snack
    5:00 dinner
    8:00 bottle & bed

    should i be giving a snack at 10:30-ish? i'm still putting them in their cribs for that nap in case they want to take it, and if they're not asleep by 10:15 i take them out. should it be out and a snack? or is it too close to lunchtime (only hour and a half away--remember, this is our "big" meal)? also, i give water at breakfast because it just seems like they would be getting juice all day the rest of the day, or do you give water with snacks? all the years of seeing school snacks and now i'm drawing a blank! LOL

  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...good question. If they don't seem hungry, I would go without a snack. We do three meals and only one snack per day. Our morning stretch goes from 7:30 to 11:00, between breakfast and lunch.

    If you do start a snack at that time, how about just a few bites of fruit or something like that?
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine still get a snack around 9:30am and then around 3:45 when their big sister gets home from school and has her snack. Although now, they ask for snacks. :lol: If they seem hungry, I would offer one around 10am or so.
  4. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I only gave mine snacks when they seemed like they needed it. But would encourage them to try to eat something about 45/30 minutes before bedtime just to be sure they werent hungry.
  5. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Mine get one nap a day around 11 or noon, depending on when they woke up, and we do breakfast around 8 and a midmorning snack, then something small before their nap. Actually, I kind of divide lunch up and give some before their nap and some after their nap, like if it was mac and cheese and grapes, I'd give some grapes and cheese before naps and mac and cheese after. But I have super skinny kids and the doc said to feed them as much as they want whenever they want it, so I go from that!
  6. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    breakfast around 8 and a midmorning snack, then something small before their nap.

    this pretty much sums up an issue i've been having, which is when we drop the first thing in the am milk, we would have breakfast earlier, and i'm thinking if i give a snack now, we'll end up with 2 morning snacks later on as well--anyone else do this (with not so super skinny kids? :) )
  7. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I gave mine a small snack between every meal at that age then dropped to 2 at two yrs. old and just recently I don't bother unless they ask so they are getting about one a day or none at all.
  8. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine have rarely gotten snacks. I found, early on, that snacking led to them not eating at meals.
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