Afternoon Food Aversion & Reflux

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ThankfulMama, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. ThankfulMama

    ThankfulMama Well-Known Member

    I'm 14 weeks with babies 2&3 and have been noticing that the reflux has begun early this time around (I had a lot of reflux with DD). However, I am also noticing that I am barely hungry at lunch, but I make myself eat and after that I'm almost hopeless. I have no desire to eat, think about food, or prepare food for my family. I can't force myself to eat dinner as it's so unappealing. Is this temporary? I'm wondering if its OK to eat a lot in the morning and then not worry about this afternoon blah feeling, but I wanted advice from mamas who have BTDT. Thanks! PS -- any tips on reflux other than Tums?
  2. danasacks

    danasacks Active Member

    I never had a food aversion, I have been hungry this whole time, so I can't help out with that. But I have had some crazy heartbearn. The only advice is to stay away from acidic foods, spicy foods, eating too much, etc. It doesn't always help, I have gotten heartburn from water even. As for just eating in the morning, I don't think that's a good idea, as your blood sugar levels would plummet, and so do the babies. I eat every 3-4 hours to stabilize my blood sugar levels and keep each meal to a minimum to (200-300 calories) to avoid feeling stuffed/acidic. Find something you like and eat it often- I eat a lot of yogurt and homemade english muffin pizzas. Cereal is a good one too, I never get heartburn from cereal. Good Luck!
  3. kudos

    kudos Member

    i hate to say it but I have food aversion and acid reflux for the entire past 31 weeks and it's not fun. some days are better than others. i take tums and pepcid (when it's uncontrollable). sorry. i know how you feel.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As unappealing as it is to continue eating through the afternoon/evening it is important to maintain your blood sugar levels & prevent worse nausea.

    Some things I found helpful for heartburn were separating food/drink (I'd eat & then drink about an hour later, then wait another hour or so before eating again, etc) & on the recommendation of my midwives I've been using papaya enzyme rather than tums for flare ups & it's worked quite well. They also suggested chewing 10 or so almonds until they're a paste like consistent & then swallowing to use in place of tums (I haven't tried that myself because I don't like almonds). Check with your caregiver too - they should have some suggestions for you.
  5. kellyhod

    kellyhod Active Member

    The almonds do help. I have the same aversion. Have you tried just a few bites here and a few an hour later. It may feel like all your doing is eating but it will keep you healthy too. Best wishes
  6. ThankfulMama

    ThankfulMama Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much. Drinking has been really really hard for me and the one thing that sounds good to drink is OJ--not exactly the best reflux choice. I have not been drinking it much as the reflux gets worse, but I am coming off a bad chest cold where I drank a lot of OJ to try to hydrate and get good nutrients. I have been trying to force food later in the day but it's not fun. I'm not even devouring the halloween candy so I KNOW I'm feeling off (lol) I left a mini kit kat in my purse from early morning until late afternoon today--really a sign something is wrong with me. Ha!
  7. ThankfulMama

    ThankfulMama Well-Known Member

    Oh, and about the almonds-- would almond milk work the same as chewing the almonds?
  8. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You could try. I think it's more the thick paste that acts as a barrier to the stomach acid though. I have heard sometimes a glass of milk can help so it's worth a try (for others though milk can make reflux/heartburn worse).
  9. kellyhod

    kellyhod Active Member

    I am not sure about the milk. I think miss bossy is right about the paste being the key, but I am going to try it anyway.
  10. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Love, love, love my chewable calcium/magnesium supplement for combating reflux. For me, if I chew 1 tablet the heartburn immediately stops. It usually lasts 24-48 hours, too.

    Yes, this time around dinner was pretty unappetizing for me, too. I tried to snack later on if I couldn't eat a proper dinner.
  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    OMGoodness with both my twin pregnancy and my last pregnancy I had some serious food aversions! Oh it was awful!!!!! With the twins it was ESPECIALLY for Mexican food which was always my very very favorite - I HATED it and could not even think about it without feeling sick- now I don't feel sick when I eat it but it is still not my favorite. With my last pregnancy it was BAD too - it was ESPECIALLY for this soup that I used to LOVE and was my dads favorite food for lunch ( I took care of my dad until he passed in 1-15-11) I could not even put the can in my shopping cart - now I still don't like it and would never buy it. My food aversion lasted the entire time - but the further along I got the less intense it was.
  12. ThankfulMama

    ThankfulMama Well-Known Member

    Oh boy, I hope this doesn't last the whole pregnancy, lol. I will add almonds to my grocery list and see if that works. I have milk occasionally, but I never really went back to drinking it after DD was born and had such terrible food intolerances I had to cut milk out for over a year. I decided to try cereal last night after the suggestion and cheerios worked--at least for last night. I appreciate the tips!

    Has anyone tried a hazelwood necklace for reflux? Any luck?
  13. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Don't know what your OB says so you should probably ask, but I HATE rums and can't take them. My OB said any OTC antacid is fine for pregnancy, so I take zantac instead.
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