After your son was potty trained when did he start standing to go?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Becky02, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We started training my son about 2 1/2 weeks ago and he is doing great (I consider him trained). We did bottomless and he NEVER peed on my floor while he had nothing on then as we transitioned to pants and then underwear and pants he had some accidents but for the most he goes when he has to and I don't have to make him go (I do ask him though when he hasn't gone in over an hour and a half but he usually says he doesn't have to go). He even comes in from outside to go potty and is dry during naps. Now my problem is he doesn't always make sure his penis is down and sometimes pees all over (he will go either on the little potty but prefers the small one), I have a mat under the potty but he even gets the pee off the mat too. I don't want to have to help him everytime he needs to go (I know he is still new at this but sometimes I also can't get to him before he goes on his own either). I can't have him put his legs on the outside of the potty because both the little one and the insert for the big one have the handles on the side so I try to just teach him to push his penis down but he doesn't do it. So I am wondering how soon did your son go from sitting to standing and how did you do that transion? He has watched my dh stand and pee and we tried a couple of times to get him to do it but won't. I know about the cheerios and haven't tried that yet and will but was wondering if there is any other tricks?

  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My boys started out on the little potty, but almost immediately went to standing. They prefer to's quick and to the point. No cheerios or tricks were neccessary. I did/do have a little stool in the bathroom for them to stand on (when I say little, I mean short...can't be too high) so they can get it in the toilet. I have one that stands on his toes and reaches fine, and one that is just a tad too short yet to go over the toilet (mine must be high...they can get over most other toilets).

    Good luck, I bet he'll love it!
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It took mine about a year to discover standing. I was NOT encouraging it! All it took was being out in a field when one of them HAD TO GO RIGHT NOW so I let him water a weed... and suddenly his brother had to go right now as well. You'd think they'd discovered Atlantis the way they celebrated. And now, just try and make them sit.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine watched his Daddy do it and decided that's how he wanted to do it. The only catch is they have to be tall enough!!
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's the only way that my son wanted to do it. I haven't trained Liam yet, but the times he has gone, he has been sitting.
  6. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    I would just ask him if he wants to try standing up. That is what I did with Aidan and he loved it. We tried it out together and he loved the independence of deciding to stand.

    If he still wants to sit, encourage him to lean forward (with his legs slightly apart but he doesn't need to have them on the sides entirely). I told my DS to reach his toes. When he bend forward, his penis pointed down and he didn't have any accidents.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Trevor started standing to pee about 2 months after we started PTing him. One day I just asked him if he wanted to stand up to go pee and he said yes and was very excited after he went. :D He has been standing ever since.
  8. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Lisa R @ Apr 30 2009, 04:06 PM) [snapback]1295026[/snapback]
    If he still wants to sit, encourage him to lean forward (with his legs slightly apart but he doesn't need to have them on the sides entirely). I told my DS to reach his toes. When he bend forward, his penis pointed down and he didn't have any accidents.

    I have tried that too, with him leaning forward. He likes to lean back when he goes, sometimes I can get him to lean forward but not usually.

    We have tried to see if he would pee standing in the woods too but didn't work. When the girls go down to the park for soccer practice he refuses to pee in the port a pot and in the woods around it since he doesn't want to stand and usually ends up wetting himself because he holds it to long.

    I guess I will just have to wait until he is ready to stand and go.
    Thanks everyone for your responses.
  9. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    I trained DS to sit and hold down his penis. He did that for the first 3 months, then just decided he wanted to try standing and he did just fine. I waited for training until past 3 year old and haven't had that many issues with 'spraying' and didn't need to use the cherios trick either. What I think is funny is when we started training and I was always telling DS to hold his pee-pee down, DD always made a big deal about holding her's down too... kids are just too funny!!
  10. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Mine still sit, no desire to stand. I've tried to get them to and DH always shows them, however, they still prefer to sit...whatever :) I do want them to be able to stand by Oct. which is when they will start a tot program but I have all summer to do that.
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