After PT weekend to daycare

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 1stbabies, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Please help with more pre-PT or PT planning questions:

    Our girls going to day care part time - 2 full days per week. Our daycare mentioned that the girls can be in pull up for PT.
    I hope that at least one of our girls can be reliable telling adults to go potty after our PT weekend. However, they may have accidents. I worry that if I put them in pull up for daycare days, would they regress? or would that cause confusion?

    If I put them in undies inside pull up , how effective is that? If I put in a thin panty liner in the undies (for ease of poopy clean up ), then put that underwear inside the pull up , isn't that too bulky? Or should I plan to waste the accidentally poopy underwear from the daycare as some posts suggested (this option sounds expensive and I hope not to have to waste underwears daily when we are at daycare)?
    Are there other options that I can propose to the daycare staff?

    What brand of pull up do you use for daycare that you would recommend?

    Much thanks in advance for the feedbacks as always!
  2. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Our daycare was very supportive of PT. What I did was to drop them off in undies at daycare visiting the potty right before I took them into their classroom. Then the teachers would take all the PTing kids for bathroom breaks in very regular intervals. Once you really start PTing I would not go back to pull-ups for daycare. Mine treated pull-ups like diapers, so it would have been confusing. Some kids do well with the concept of pull-ups being like undies though.

    Accidents at daycare were rare. In most cases it was just a single pee accident (we never the needed the multiple changes of undies and pants I deposited), I remember one poop accident. My daycare would bag up any wet or soiled clothes and leave them for us to deal with at home. I never had to toss anything. For poop accidents (whether at daycare or at home) I just cleaned the undies as far as possible, pre-soaked them and washed them in a hot cycle.

    I like the suggestion of pantys liners not only for easier clean-up but to catch a few drops if they are late in realizing they need the potty and barely make it there. It would cut down on the number of changes of clothes you need to deposit and the teachers need to help with.

    I deposited a supply of pull-ups for the children which were routinely used for naptimes. In case the children would have had a day full of accidents and would have shown frustation with PT, the daycare would have put them in pull-ups for the rest of the day. It never happened.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Tough one. When we first did it, they were not ready by any means so put them in diapers for school, but it was only 3 times a week for 2.5 hour. I'd probably send them in cheap underwear.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would not put them in pull-ups for daycare if you can help it. Will your daycare not help them with potty training (remind them to go)? When I worked in daycare common practice was as pp said; parents brought in spare clothes and if there was an accident we changed the child and put the wet/dirty clothes in a bag to be taken home.

    Also you said they go only two full days a week, which days? Why not start potty training the day after their second daycare day to give you/them more time before they are back at daycare? For example if they go Mon and Wed you could start on Thurs which would give you 4 days for potty training-enough time to see if they are 'getting it'. (If they are ready for it then by day 5, which is the first day they'd be back at daycare in this example, they really should not be having many accidents at all. If they are still having a lot of accidents on day 4/5 then they are most likely not ready and it would be worth putting them back in diapers and waiting a bit.) Even if your daycare days are Mon and Fri starting on Tues would give you 3 days to train instead of 2, in the first few days of potty training every additional day can make a big difference.
  5. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for the feedbacks!

    Zoe: We have scheduled 4 days for PT. It's the days following the PT at home that I worry about - worry about messes in the daycare room. I chatted with one of the daycare parents and she mentioned that the daycare used pull-ups to train kids there and I havenot had a chance to chat to the staff yet ... they were clingy when I dropped off this week.

    Wish us lucks ! I'm so nervous/stress out about this PT.
  6. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    With 4 days at home I really would not worry too much about them going back to daycare and making a mess. If they are ready to train then come day 5 chances are they will not be having significant accidents. I also think that daycares ought to be prepared to deal with a few messes, that is just part of looking after children. It's not reasonable to expect them to be perfect. Hopefully yours will be reassuring when you get the chance to talk to them.

    Good luck! :youcandoit: :panties:
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't drive myself crazy over this really. Honestly after we PTed my kids the first time, I didn't feel that they were ready either and just sent them to school in diapers those 3 mornings a week (the difference though is that they don't change them other there, and they would have called me at every accident to change them, so I passed lol).

    It depends on the daycare though, if they have potty breaks every so often where they make the kids go potty, I'd do underwear. If they wait for the kids to ask, I'd do pull ups.
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