Affiliate marketing software

Discussion in 'General' started by thiefcrazy98, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. thiefcrazy98

    thiefcrazy98 Member

    Hi all, I need affiliate marketing software, any help would be appreciated
  2. EvanDuke

    EvanDuke Member

    Personally from myself I can recommend, it is a comprehensive system of the highest quality, specially created for buying advertising space with the payment model “price per action”. Digital Ad Systems CPA is a platform for advertisers and publishers using the CPA payment model. CPA is a payment model for conversion actions, i.e. price per action. Unlike CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Impression) models, CPA allows an advertiser to pay only for a specific action performed by a user. This can be buying a product, registering, subscribing, downloading an application. The product is ideal for businesses that do not accept any cooperation with third-party advertising systems. They need their own advertising products to promote their offers. Large advertisers who want to brand their interface (White Label solutions), who directly manage their affiliate networks and optimize payments for conversions. You can read about all this and more in detail on their website, highly recommended
  3. Leen Tey

    Leen Tey New Member

    Hi! I recommend you the online bookstore -
    you will find there more than 10000 books on any topic and at cheap prices!
  4. tbes50203

    tbes50203 Member

    I've heard of these guys, the reviews are pretty good, a lot of people around me have used them and were very satisfied. I personally have not had to deal with them yet, but I am sure if I have to, I will not be disappointed in them

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