I need some advice tonight Let me preface though with this, my husband, and myself, are very capable, competent parents and we would never let anything harm our children; we have every safety feature in our house; however, we can't prevent accidents from happening. My daughter was playing upstairs last night, and we had some company over. The gate to the stairs was left open and she got to the second stair and fell the rest of the way- about 9 more stairs. She was hysterical naturally, but seemed completely fine. I kept her up a little later than I usually do just to make sure she was acting ok. She seemed fine so I put her to bed. Today she climbed onto our couch while I was in the kitchen and she fell off, I came around the corner and she was falling..flat onto her face Her upper teeth cut into her lip leaving blood gushing everywhere, then she got a bloody nose. After I got all of that under control, I checked her lip and it's not too deep and her nose seemed fine. Throughout the day I watched it and her lip got a little puffy, but she has a bruise above her lip and under her nose. She's been messing with her nose all day, and from what I can tell might even have a bruise on the end of her nose. THEN the poor thing is standing next to our bar stools in the kitchen and hits the corner of her eye on the corner of the chair, she now has a semi-black swollen eye. I think if I even walked into the ER they would think awful things. But, my concern is her nose and mouth. The bruise and her messing with it so much is what is concerning me, hoping that there's nothing that could be damaged there that I wouldn't be able to see on the outside. Any suggestions? I trust this forum and I hope that I can post this without being judged. TIA.
:hug: I'm not sure how old your twins are but about a month after they really started walking they were falling down or bumping into something ALL. THE. TIME. I'm so sorry that she has gone through all of that, and you too!!! Call the ped if you're worried about her nose and mouth but I would give it some time to see if she finally leaves it alone. :hug: It does get better! But this is normal
As far as i'm concerned, things happen!! not judged at all ... Anyway, I don't know anything about the nose but I do know that with the mouth they don't put stitches in it anyway and it will heal fine even if cut on the inside. I know this because I had an incident a few months ago and put my front teeth thru my bottom lip! Hurts like crazy but fine... So I'm not sure about the rest but i'm sure it's nothing. I think the head would be the most dangerous part of that whole trio of accidents but sounds like you monitored that and she'd be acting funny by now for sure. Hope you don't have any more incidents any time soon, wow!
If you're concerned, I would take her to the pedi and have her checked out. Our pediatrician always told us that they can usually tell the kind of marks left by accidents and marks that make them suspicious. My kids always have bruises so I had to ask one day. Gabe had a day like that a few weeks ago when he hit his chin in the tub and needed stitches and then the next day he fell and hit his mouth on the corner of a drawer that wasn't pushed in all the way and ended up with a bloody lip and some tooth damage. He's had 3 sets of stitches on his face and after the 1st set, he seemed to constantly have face scraps and bruises. The daycare teachers would ask what he did this time and I always felt so bad dropping him off that way and worried I'd have CPS at my door. I think if you're honest with the Dr. and they see your concern, there should be no worries. Someone that's trying to hide something wouldn't bring their kid into the Dr. to get it checked out, kwim? I'm sorry she's having a rough couple of days. Do you think she might have an ear infection that is affecting her balance or it just plain bad luck?
Poor thing! I agree with PP. My twinks have been walking for awhile but still seem to fall down or run into something all the time. If she's acting normal to you than I would just wait and watch for swelling that's not going down or any other out of the ordinary behaviors she might exhibit over the next few days or so. It never hurts to get a call into your pedi either .... peace of mind. Hope she feels better soon!!
I agree that if you are concerned you should go see your pedi. No judgment here either! I've got two walking bruises and they are 2 1/2! Hope everything is fine.
:hug: what a rough couple of days - for her AND you. :hug: and definitely no judgment! they're called toddlers for a reason. DH was just commenting today on the bruises all over Danika's body - most of them, we don't even know where she got them from. ardon: i agree with Melissa - i expect abusive bruises/marks are pretty specific & quite different from the regular scrapes & bruises that all children get & that doctors can tell the difference. if you're worried, i would take her in. it can't hurt to get it checked out so you can have some peace of mind.
This is true! I would also take her into the pedi if you are worried. Toddlers get into a lot of bumps, bruises and scrapes. You'll get no judgment here because I think we've all been there at one point or another. Hope your DD heals quickly and keep us posted! :hug:
Oh poor thing (both you and your DD)!! :hug: I wouldn't go to the ER; it sounds like she's doing okay. But I would bring her in to the ped and have them look her over just for your piece of mind. Kids of this age are so incredibly clumsy, and have so few inhibitions that I almost feel like they're ticking time-bombs! I just glanced over at the digital picture frame on my desk while I was typing this, and sure enough the picture that just came up is a super cute on of Jack smiling....with a huge red mark on his face where he'd fallen into a corner. :gah: The ped is going to totally understand. I guarantee he/she sees hundreds of scrapes, bruises and cuts every day. And please don't feel like you're going to be judged. We have *all* been right where you are. This weekend Jack climbed up on one of our deck chairs, then Nate decided it would be a great idea too. When I turned to make sure Nate was ok, Jack fell off the chair *on the top of his head*, balanced there for a split second with his neck wobbling and crumpled to the ground. I thought for sure he'd broken his neck and I freaked out. Luckily he was fine. I love this age a lot; they are so sweet, funny, and are learning so many neat things. But I will not be sad to see them grow up and get more coordinated! :lol: I hope you and your DD are doing well today. :hug:
Our kids have fallen and hit their heads so much... some of which really scared me. Fallen down the stairs (figured out how to open the gate) dent impression after falling against a cabinet... bloody lips... I think unfortunately things like that are common w/toddlers. However, I do think you should at least call the pediatrician and check in w/yoru concerns. Is your daughter usually this clumsy? I know my kids are, but is she? reason I ask is in case she might have any disorientation, etc. from the fall down the stairs. Serious problems usually surface right away, but they can take a while. Clumsier than normal, etc. is one of the things they've asked me to look out for after a bumped head. Actually, I'd check in with the doctor just in case and they can tell you if she needs to come in or not. I agree... even if it turns out she's perfectly OK I think it's better to call the doc, because if something else happens they'll probably wonder why you didn't at least call.
In consolation, this week our dd had a black eye, a bruised nose, and a groove in her forehead. The black eye was a run in collision with ds's head, the bruised nose was a run in with a cardboard diaper box, and the groove in her forehead was a run in with a table. :laughing: All totally normal, unfortunately! Ours had their 15 month appt today and i was telling our ped that these two have had more busted lips and bruised foreheads than my oldest two combined! He just laughed! :hug: you are far from alone, and i agree that the head would be my biggest concern, and if she's acting fine after that, I wouldn't be concerned about the rest! :hug:
Why do they have days where they fall 2-3 times all in the same day and then nothing for weeks? Mine do that too - no matter how careful you are it just happens.