Advice please re: possibly sick babysitter

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    We have a college student who helps us a couple days per wk. She's had an earache and now eye irritation, . possibly pink eye or contact lens irritation. the girls were with her on mon & wed, so they may have already been exposed. she feels relatively fine and is willing to work. should i let her work or cancel?

    i do have an appt this afternoon, but it could be rescheduled.
    the other factor is i'm having vertigo attacks today, so the help would be nice. but i don't need sick kids (sam is finally getting over the 2.5 wk diarrhea and fever episode).

    what would you do?
  2. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    well this is a totally personal choice...

    you are correct that that probably have already been exposed too. If you choose to have her watch the girls have her be extra careful to wash her hands all the time.

    Earache is not contagious but eye infections are extremly catchy.

    Good luck
  3. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    If she's taking antibiotics for everything, I would let her come if she feels up to it. But, if she isn't being treated, you may not want to take a chance. I know ear infections are contagious, but if she does have pink don't want to deal with having to put eye drops in your kids eyes. It's no fun, trust me.
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I would let her work if she had been to the doctor AND on antibiotics for the pinkeye for a minimum of 24 hours.

    Pinkeye is HORRIBLY contagious. You do not want the girls getting that. They'll pass it back and forth to one another and back and forth between their own eyes (it will be impossible to keep them from rubbing one, then the other).

    I would totally disenfect every toy, washcloth, clothes, etc. anything your sitter came in contact with.

    Good luck....I'm so glad to hear Sam is finally on the mend.
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