Advice on treatment for a cough

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by annabell, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    O.K. so my DS has had a cough for over a month. It was bad at one point but now it is significantly better. However, he is still waking himself up 2-3 times in the night coughing. We saw the ped today for their one-year exam and she said his lungs sound clear and he looks healthy as can be. I still have his crib mattress tilted and a humidifier going next to him at night. She said if it doesn’t get better in another week that she would consider treating it like a sinus infection, with antibiotics. Well, I’m not a fan of antibiotics and gave them to my DS already for an ear infection this year. I think the cough will eventually go away, but what do you think? Would you give him the antibiotic if isn’t not gone in a week?
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I would. If it helps, then you and him both don't have to deal with the cough anymore. What a relief, right?

    The very few times we have had to use antibiotics, they have worked like a dream and cleared things right up.

    Keep us updated.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I would too. A month+ is a long time to be sick. Hope he is feeling better soon. CUTE avatar!!
  4. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    I would just start the abx now. A cough for a month is clearly not viral. My Noah had this going on for a while, about 3 weeks or so. I got worried that maybe he was developing asthma becuase he kept waking up at night with a dry cough, but was fine during the day (no coughing). We got him on an abx for a possible sinus infection and within 2 days he was sleeping through the night again. He needs his sleep and so do you!
  5. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    I am a Registered Nurse (although, I'm not currently working as a nurse) and sometimes a cough for that long could be related to an allergy. You can try some benedryl at night before bed and see if that helps at all. I wouldn't treat with ABTs unless there were other sign/symptoms going on.
  6. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Could it be allergies? Sounds like a post nasal drip is really bothering him at night. Can you use a humidifer or vaporizer in his room? Can you try some Claritin for Kids?
  7. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Don2worrybhappy @ Jun 7 2007, 11:50 PM) [snapback]284108[/snapback]
    I am a Registered Nurse (although, I'm not currently working as a nurse) and sometimes a cough for that long could be related to an allergy. You can try some benedryl at night before bed and see if that helps at all. I wouldn't treat with ABTs unless there were other sign/symptoms going on.

    This is what our pedi said too. Both of my kids have been coughing all spring and summer so far. Both cough when they are running around outside and DD also coughs at night. Our dr could not find any other signs of infection or virus and thinks that it is allergy related (he also thinks that DS could be headed towards some issues with asthma). Since there were no other symptoms, we have not used any antibiotics and have opted for OTC cough meds.
  8. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    Well, we tried the benadryl last night and he slept soundly but still woke up three times coughing. Tough call. I will continue to wait a few more day before deciding to do the antibiotics, because I agree with PP that if he has no other symptoms, why give him the antibiotics. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for your advice.

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