Advice on Separating twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by scubastar5, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. scubastar5

    scubastar5 New Member

    OK so as we are approaching 3, i am wanting my children to be involved in some sports . (Yep i am that type of mom lol) I am struggling though because my boy girl twins are obviously interested in different things. However, i cant even take one to walmart without the othe rone now. They have so much separation anxiety with each other it breaks my heart! I want my daughter to do tumbling classes, my son to do karate and them to do tee ball this summer together. Any ideas on how to start separating or how to accomplish this?

    Thanks again ladies!
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If it works logistically, I'd sign them up for different things that meet at the same time and have you take one, dh take the other. That way one isn't sitting at home while the other leaves. If that isn't possible, whoever stays home with the other can help them work through it and eventually they'll get used to it.
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  3. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I'm kind of facing that now. We just separated our boys in school and pretty soon, there will be birthday parties that one or the other will be invited to or other playdates. I don't want to impose on the other parents to ask that they include the brother at these events. So, with one car available to us only, one boy will likely be going to the party and the other will stay at home with DH and have some fun. There's a playground near by within walking distance and there's plenty to do in the house. Some parents are aware that Cameron and Kiefer are brothers and may even invite them both anyhow, but not all parents know this.

    This year, they aren't inviting their classmates to their birthday party. Next year, however, we may be looking into two separate parties. Inviting both their classes to one party would be a madhouse!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would tell them that they have their own special activities. And try to package it as special time with Mom and Dad...and then take turns with which parent is taking each child to their own activity (if you can). This fall we might be facing DD doing dance class while DS plays soccer.
    For the most part I have kept my two in the same activities only because I am usually the one who takes them to practices and games because of DH's work schedule (it changes a lot). So it's a lot easier for me to have them at one place at the same time and have them both on the same team as a result.
  5. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    If it is a real issue why not sign them both up for gymnastics or both up for karate My boys take gymnastics and the class is mixed girls and boys. gymnastics is also a great intro to martial arts. It takes a lot of muscle control and flexibility, coordination.
  6. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    My dd goes to dance class every Saturday morning and at first ds wanted to go because she was going. Now, though, he looks forward to his special time with dad and tells dd bye and that he will see her soon! I would say that they really will adapt and it will be just fine, but my two are also in separate preschool classrooms so that may help with the separation!
  7. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    are they old enough to decide for themselves what activities they want to do? There's no reason they can't both do karate or both do tumbling, if that's what they chose, right?
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