Advice on double strollers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mholmes07, May 11, 2009.

  1. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    Hello and congrats to all you twin mommas!!!

    I am still expecting & still have some time, but had a question for you ladies whom may have experience & opinions with which double strollers for me to register for the infant stage?
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Double snap n go! :D So easy to use, lightweight which is good since babies in carriers are heavy!
  3. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Danibell @ May 11 2009, 03:09 PM) [snapback]1309050[/snapback]
    Double snap n go! :D So easy to use, lightweight which is good since babies in carriers are heavy!

    I agree. It's a must when they are newborn.
  4. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I couldn't handle the double snap n go. it is seriously HUGE! for now we have a twin combi sport and love it but are soon going to get a jogger and still deciding on which one.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had a Graco DuoGlider, but had I known about the SNG, I would have rather had that.
  6. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    Double is so easy to just snap em in the stroller while in their carseats. I hate to see mine go!
  7. mkhvjh

    mkhvjh Well-Known Member

    I registered for the Kolcraft Contours double stroller. I love it!!! I'm only 5 ft and can manage it! We have the Chicco car seats that fit into the stroller as well. If you have a BuyBuyBaby you can get 20% each item also! They are owned by Bed, Bath, & Beyond (they won't take expired coupons however). Babies R Us were really uneducated when it came to this stroller. They wanted me to buy Graco and nothing else. The one sales person even told me that I was too short to lift any other stroller than Graco. That was rude. I've had a few bad experiences now at BRU and am now taking my business to BBB! The 20% coupon really helps too!

    Good Luck!
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I had the Graco Duoglider and really liked it as it was a great first stroller to grow into and gave us some time decide on the next stroller.
  9. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We have the Graco DuoGlider, too. I liked it because it fit the infant seats when they were younger and we still use it today! It is big, but very handy at the beginning when you have so much to carry (i.e. diaper bag, etc.)
  10. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    We have the Graco Quattro Tour Duo and definately loved it for when they were newborn-snap the car seats right in. We actually still use it, as they are still in their infant seats, for things like going to the park and what not. It does get a lot harder to handle as they get bigger though (I might assume the double sng is the same?). We also have the Combi Twin Sport and like it a lot.
  11. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    We loved the graco Duoglider, and just recently switched to a combi twin sport (girls are growing out of their carseats). thise are for all of our errands, and the stroller pretty much stays in the car. We also have a jogger which stays at home for my jogs and walks (instep safari).
  12. scrparker

    scrparker Active Member

    If you are considering the double snap and go check that your car seats are compatible. We had Peg Perego SIP car seats and they cannot be used with the double snap and go.

    We are using a MacLaren Twin Triumph which is awesome. Super light and easy fold. It is a sbs but fits through doors and shops aisles really well. We started using it at 3 months old (2 weeks ago) and it has worked great so far. We have taken it to the mall a few times, zoo and to a baseball game.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I loved my double snap-n-go, and have moved in to a Radio Flyer red wagon with canopy since the girls could sit up. The girls LOVE it and we take it everywhere, even out to eat and the girls sit in the wagon instead of high chairs and play with toys. They get irritated with the jogging stroller quickly, but will let me walk for 45 minutes in the wagon. I wish I had registered for the wagon!
  14. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    This is what I had/have:
    - double snap n go: very functional, great for the first months especially for me during winter, but in general I don't like front / back strollers, but this one was worth it
    - Combi (double): piece of junk, too much plastic, low quality feel though it is lightweight and quite easy to move around, just not very durable. Knew this one wasn't going to last during all our travels. Sold it early on.
    - MacLaren Twin Rally: still quite heavy, but durable and very sturdy. Used it a lot in the car and for overseas traveling and it's still in good condition. Still quite heavy but folds well.
    - Mountain Buggy Urban Double: a fantastic high quality and durable stroller, easy to push with one hand, used a board with my oldest so a great way to get around with 3 kids. Great for walking, etc. Downside: very big / bulky and heavy (so not for car or traveling) and pricey (but worth it).
  15. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    We have two (And am considering a third)

    1) The Kolcraft Contour-- we used this from day 1, in lieu of the Double SnG. It's a great stoller (we call it our limo!) and perfect for the mall/aquarium, or the airport. It's long, but it fits in between aisles and stuff. It also has a huge underbasket. We haven't put the regular seats in yet, so I don't know how I'll like those. It is heavyish, but I think it folds pretty small all things considering.

    2) The BOB Duallie SBS--super easy to push, great for walks/off roading. It reclines pretty far, and so far the boys seem to enjoy it. It is a monster to fold up, but we go out and about on the trail or to the dog park, so it was worth the $$/effort for us. We also have a minivan which means I can store both in there.
  16. carlaj23

    carlaj23 Well-Known Member

    I have the Graco DuoGlider that the infant seats just snap into. (I had the Graco snugride carseat with my firstborn and so I just had to purchase one more infant seat...I went with the Graco Safe Seat this time and both seats snap right into the stroller) I like it very much, it so convenient to pop them out of the carseat bases and into the stroller. The steering and handling is very good. I also use it on walks, but am looking at a side by side for walks, parks, etc. But so far I love the DuoGlider. It has been very easy to maneuver in stores, the mall, drs office, etc. My main complaint is that with the seats laid all the way back to accommodate the car seats, it is difficult to put stuff in and retrieve from the storage basket.
  17. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tmh @ May 11 2009, 03:59 PM) [snapback]1309172[/snapback]
    I registered for the Kolcraft Contours double stroller. I love it!!! I'm only 5 ft and can manage it! We have the Chicco car seats that fit into the stroller as well. If you have a BuyBuyBaby you can get 20% each item also! They are owned by Bed, Bath, & Beyond (they won't take expired coupons however). Babies R Us were really uneducated when it came to this stroller. They wanted me to buy Graco and nothing else. The one sales person even told me that I was too short to lift any other stroller than Graco. That was rude. I've had a few bad experiences now at BRU and am now taking my business to BBB! The 20% coupon really helps too!

    Good Luck!

    I have the Kolcraft, and love it! I really like being able to plop their car seats in, and it has nice, versatile seats for when they're older. The sun shades on the regular seats are big, which is something a lot of twin strollers lack.
  18. ashes200264

    ashes200264 Well-Known Member

    We have the Duo glider by graco and I loved how the infant carseats fit right in and there is a huge basket that holds everything incuding a purse and diaper bag! I love it!!! Its narrow so it fits down the isles in stores without taking out a rack of clothes. Very easy to push and manage. Folds up nicely and fits in the back of my SUV!
  19. BostonBoys08

    BostonBoys08 Member

    You are probably going to get a million answers to this question! I ditched the double snap and go pretty early and just put the babies in my super lightweight Maclaren Twin Triumph (20 lbs). I never minded getting them in and out of their carriers...and they outgrew them by 6 months anyway (big boys!). The double umbrella works for 95% of the things we do....but it is nice to have a jogger for neighborhood walks and trails. I just don't like hauling it in and out of the car for short trips (38lbs and take the wheels on and off)! For the jogger the BOB's are excellent but not cheap! My Maclaren was $150 off ebay last summer!
    Hope that helps!
  20. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    The first thing you need to decide is what you will be doing with the twins. I go everywhere with them. Grocery shopping/clothes shopping/aquarium/zoo/mall/park/etc. I love my Graco Duo Glider for shopping and use it the most. I do wish I had the higher end Graco tandem, because the back seat is very flimsy. When the boys were in car seats, I had a Double Decker (loaned to me w/ Evenflo car seats). I hated the non swivel wheel, but would have liked a Double Snap N Go. When the boys were around 6 months, we got a sbs jogger and we use it alot too. Now I've been scoping out some sbs strollers just for fun. The moral of this story is: You are going to want/need two or more strollers!
  21. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Natalochka @ May 11 2009, 03:57 PM) [snapback]1309269[/snapback]
    We loved the graco Duoglider, and just recently switched to a combi twin sport (girls are growing out of their carseats). thise are for all of our errands, and the stroller pretty much stays in the car. We also have a jogger which stays at home for my jogs and walks (instep safari).

    Exact same here.
  22. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ May 11 2009, 03:54 PM) [snapback]1309161[/snapback]
    I had a Graco DuoGlider, but had I known about the SNG, I would have rather had that.

    agreed. the duoglider is a MONSTER. don't plan on fitting it into your trunk without a lot of work if you drive a sedan.
  23. divababy

    divababy Well-Known Member

    i have the phil & teds vibe and love it so much.

    i live in a cobblestone city with harsh winters and its perfect for the terrain. i also can take it shopping and it fits through all the aisles.

    its my "cadillac" :)

    when they were newborns i would swaddle them and place both of them in the bassinet. at the next stage, i put one in a front carrier and one i the bassinet. at 2 months they were ready to use both seats "big kid" style because the seats recline so much and they had perfect head control.
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