
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by HettyA, May 17, 2010.

  1. HettyA

    HettyA Well-Known Member

    I had the post early about some possible BH over the weekend. Planned on waiting till my appointments Monday to bring it up with the docs since they were not close together or painful. Well Monday morning at 2am that all changed. (Currently 32 weeks with mono-di)

    I ended being woken with some pretty heave back pain and contractions. I tried all the usual tricks, shower, water, changing positions in hopes of calming them. :( It didnt work. Eventually at 5am we started to time them and they were average 10 min apart starting to get really uncomfortable. After some persuading from my family I called my doc early instead of waiting for our scheduled appointment at 2pm. He said to go straight to labor and delivery.

    They have so far taken several blood tests, I was dilated to 1 slowly moving to 1 1/2 70% effaced. My BP was high as well as blood counts being abnormal. They started me on steroids last shot will be given at 11am today. After contractions not subsiding they have put me on meds in hopes to slow them we did not see a change until they gave pain meds to help with sleeping during down time of a contraction. So far things have improved a little with everything.

    They are uncertain as to how long I will currently be here. My OB is thinking these girls will be born before I head home whenver that may be. They are concerned about Pre-E the most it seems so we will see how tomorrows tests go and what they decide. Till then my hubs has been amazing at taking care of me through the pain and he is now finally getting some rest.

    Here's to praying to keep these girls in there at least a couple more weeks!
  2. SAmummy

    SAmummy Member

    Best of luck to you. I'm sure things will calm down. x
  3. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    :friends: Hugs. I am glad that you mad it to the hospital where they can monitor and care for you. A stay there to insure the health of the babies is worth the sacrifice! Hang in there :youcandoit:
  4. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    Oh, how nerve-racking and exciting!! I hope you can keep them in a bit longer, but just know that they will be ok if they HAVE to come sooner rather than later. Not sure if this gives you any comfort, but my DD was born at 29 weeks (2.6 lbs) and is COMPLETELY healthy and HUGE 2 year old!!!! Good Luck momma!
  5. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    Glad you went to the hospital. Hope things slow down and the babies stay put a bit longer. Best of luck to you!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad they can keep a close eye on you in the hospital. :hug:
  7. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    ((((HUGS)))) Hope those babies stay cooking a bit longer!! good luck!
  8. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: Momma! Best of luck to you!
  9. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Hugs to you, and hope they stay put a little while longer
  10. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Hope they can hang on a few more weeks, but even if they can't, just know that medium rare babies do awesome after a few weeks in the NICU. 32 weeks with steroids is a very decent gestation. I would educate yourself as much as possible now about having preemies, and hopefully it will just be info you never need to use!
  11. HettyA

    HettyA Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for the support and advice! :grouphug:

    Day #2 has gone by a lot better than day one! Only had mild contractions about 10 min apart this morning. Which have now gone to maybe 1 every other hour. So the meds seem to be helping. Most of my test seem to be coming back normal, there are a few that are still high and causing concern for Pre-E so I was told I will be in here another day or two.

    One large thing I've noticed is I've probably gained 20lbs of water weight I swear. My entire body is swollen from my toes up to my arms and hands, although from the breast down seems to be the worst. =( Very sad to see cause my body doesn't look like that! lol

    Babies are doing great. Having a lot of hiccups which is the cutest thing to listen to on the monitors.

    I got my last steroid shot this morning at 11am. Didn't hurt as bad as the first but good to know we are on our way to the 48 hour mark for those. We are kind of playing it by ear and just keeping a close eye on me and the babies till more testing tomorrow!

    My hubs has me keeping my blog up to date with details of this "adventure" so if any of ya'll would like to follow along with that as well it has more details sometimes you are more than welcome.

    <3 thank you again for the support! I know we can keep these kiddles cooking a bit longer!
  12. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Thinking of you and your wee ones. Hope you can hang out a little longer before you deliver....but 32 weeks is good if they happen to arrive early. Take care, Beth
  13. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Sending lots of positive vibes your way. :hug: :hug:
  14. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations for your little miracles!!! I hope they get well soon, and I hope they won't need surgery. I read your story on and then I kept checking your blog for updates. I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it didn't work so I hope you can see this post at some point. I am praying everything goes well with all of you. Good Luck and Congratulations!!!
  15. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    Ditto the congratulations! I'm glad they are doing well and hope the PDA closes with only 1 dose of the meds!
  16. HettyA

    HettyA Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone! We find out today if the PDA closed after first set of treatments. I really hope they did!

    Oakley is now off the oscillator too and on a CPAP and doing great! They only have it turned to a 7 while her sister is up to a 9. THe little masks make it hard to see their face but it's so much better than those tubes down their throats.

    I'm doing well after all the complications but am still having BP issues. They say the only cure for eclampsia is giving birth and then time, so we are waiting. Going through pre-e and HELLP has been rough..who knew being 23 and first pregnancy so much could happen. Im slowly losing all the water weight I gained in the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. It was crazy to see how big I was all over and to see now just after a few days I'm probably weighing less than I did before pregnancy.

    I'll have to see why the comments isn't working on my blog.

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