Addison and Kyle have arrived!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mrschenoweth, May 3, 2009.

  1. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone!

    My two little bundles of joy, Kyle and Addison, arrived on April 13th (I've been so busy with them that I am just now getting around to posting info about them!). Addison arrived 1 minute before Kyle via a planned c/s. I was 38 weeks and 3 days. Addison weighed 5 lbs, 14oz and Kyle weighed 6 lbs. Both are healthy as can be and we all left the hospital 2 1/2 days later. I would say I am pretty much completely recovered from the c/s and feeling pretty good except for the occasional baby blues. I also have a toddler so I have been super busy. Last week was my first week alone with all three during the day and boy am I exhausted! I'm still trying to figure out a rhythm - no luck yet. I have to say, it is as hard if not harder than I expected. I will definitely be coming to Twinstuff for lots of support! :blink:
  2. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations & Welcome to the World Addison & Kyle! You did great keeping them in the oven for 38+ weeks.. WTG mama! :good: I'm sure it's hard finding a rhythm with newborns especially since you have a toddler to take care of too, but you can do it! Congrats again!
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Congratulations mamma :yahoo:!!!
    Glad to hear that everyone is doing well!

    You guys will get into your 'groove' sooner or later & in the meantime hope you are getting rest when you can :hug:

    Hang in there & welcome to the First Year!
  4. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the lil ones and good job cooking em! :Clap:
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Momma! :woo: Welcome to the 1st year with twins! Glad to hear everyone is doing well!
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to the first year! I love their names! It took me quite a while to get into a groove and I didn't have a toddler to deal with. Be patient and it will all fall into place. Is your toddler still napping? Forget the housework and nap when you can!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! :yahoo: Enjoy your babies!
  8. Meg102609

    Meg102609 New Member

    QUOTE(monkeymamma @ May 3 2009, 08:06 PM) [snapback]1298747[/snapback]
    Hi Everyone!

    My two little bundles of joy, Kyle and Addison, arrived on April 13th (I've been so busy with them that I am just now getting around to posting info about them!). Addison arrived 1 minute before Kyle via a planned c/s. I was 38 weeks and 3 days. Addison weighed 5 lbs, 14oz and Kyle weighed 6 lbs. Both are healthy as can be and we all left the hospital 2 1/2 days later. I would say I am pretty much completely recovered from the c/s and feeling pretty good except for the occasional baby blues. I also have a toddler so I have been super busy. Last week was my first week alone with all three during the day and boy am I exhausted! I'm still trying to figure out a rhythm - no luck yet. I have to say, it is as hard if not harder than I expected. I will definitely be coming to Twinstuff for lots of support! :blink:

    Wow! Congrats on the Twins:) I'm about to be going through the same thing I have a bit et since I'm only 15 weeks but I have a Toddler as well, and I just posted a thread about being scared about all three... You sure do have your hands full. How long was your husband home with you before he went back to work? And its so good to see someone that is in the same boat as me. Its crazy... Good Luck and Congrats Again:)
  9. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=18pt]Congrats on your new arrivals!!! [/SIZE]

    Great job carrying them to 38wks +, glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy.

    I will have to keep my eye on your posts in the first year forum as I will have a toddler at home with newborn twins as well.

    Take care and enjoy.
  10. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! I always find it amazing when I hear twins being born at 38 weeks! The longer the better. That is my fear and I am so curious as to how many weeks pregnant I will be when I deliver.. But more importantly is how much will they weigh. Ive read some post with twins being born at around 33 or 34 weeks and their weights are still real good...but anyway, congrats again!
  11. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: You did it! Congratulations!

    :hug: for having a difficult day with everyone by yourself. Yes, it is exhausting, but you can do it!! Hang in there and come vent anytime!

    Enjoy those sweet little new babies!
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    YAY!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :birthday: SWEET BABIES!!!!!!!!!

    it took me at least 6 months to find a rhythm and my girls are 2 yrs old and we are still somewhat off key :blink: most days I just live for the minute and do whatever works right then!!! Itis not easy but oh my goodness! it is SO worth it!!
  13. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Such a nice story. I can't wait to post mine!!! They should be arriving next week... if not SOONER!
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