
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    What activities do you do with your 16 month olds? Do you do arts/crafts? If so, what kinds? I feel like my kids aren't ready for it but hear of others who do this sort of thing with their 16 month olds or younger?
  2. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    I think they are probably to young to even try. It will be more work for you than I think they will like. Just a thought. My boys are just now wanting to color and make things and they are 2.

  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I guess I let them "color" with crayon's around 16-18 mos. I think the pedi asked us what happened when they had crayons at our 18 mo. appt. (I think, could have been 2)

    If you are feeling adventuresome, get some finger paints and plop some on a paper plate (different colors) and let em go for it! (Do it in a diaper and take directly to the bath afterwards - kinda like when you fed them their first 'biter biscuit'! :p )

    I really didn't do crafty stuff with them till 2 and then it was just crayons. Then we moved into the color wonder markers. Then at 2.5 we got into an art class and now we have to craft like every day!!!

    OH! If you want something you can control better and have a memory, get the giant ink stamp pads and do their little hands and feet!!! :wub:
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I think we did chunky non toxic crayon about 15/16 mon. They WILL most likely try to eat it...but mine still enjoyed it. We also did some non-toxic finger paints (also eating going on), but they still loved it!! I inked their hands and did hand prints too...that was fun.

    Mine just turned 2 and we do a craft several times a week...they love it.
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We are just starting to get into 'crafting' with the boys (19m).

    We have done finger painting a couple times, and yes, they tried to eat it. I used vanilla pudding a couple times and just added food coloring so I didn't have to worry about them eating it (like 14mos)

    We also tried crayons pretty unsuccessfully (though that was a good 3 mos ago). I bought them magnadoodles at about 16 months and while they still tried to 'eat' the pen, it was at least not ingestible. They are better about actually doodling with it now, though they seem unable to resist the instinct to put it in their mouth. :rolleyes:

    I got a bunch of the Color Wonder paper, markers, etc. on sale and put away for Xmas...perhaps it will have to wait until their 2nd bday.
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I need some new ideas, too.....we've been getting kinda bored lately! Here's a few things we do:

    sit at the little picnic table & stack blocks

    color with washable markers


    make forts with the couch pillows

    dance to music

    they love to push me over when I'm sitting on the floor & watch me sit back up & push me over again

    take a bath


    I've been thinking of getting some bath crayons, so they could color on each other & it all stays in the tub. That seems fun!
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    At that age I might have let them color, but we really did not start doing "crafty" things until age 2.
  8. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    We do all sorts of stuff. We fingerpaint, crayons, markers, color pencils. I get a lot at teacher supply stores like lakeshore or discount school supply. We buy the liquid water paints and put just a little in to spillproof containers with small brushes. I also like the specialty painting things like the roller paints or the brushes that have the little containers on the end. We have recently started collaging on sticky boards. We also do playdough.
    I use to taech preschool so I like to do this stuff and all three love it.

  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We colored at that age, and they also liked playing with Duplo blocks (big legos). Also, they are very into puzzles right now. The wood kind, I have purchased them at KBToys and Target. Puzzles keep them busy for a long while.
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