Activities inside the house for 2 year old boys?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    My boys seem very bored with their toys and therefore I think starting to act up...

    Can anyone suggest any indoor or outdoor activities for 2 year old boys?

  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat. The only activity we really do that they enjoy is reading, coloring... everything else they turn into a big mess or throw things and make it more difficult than it should be.

    I am really looking forward to ideas.
  3. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    My boys have found a tennis ball and they sit on the carpet and roll it back and forth to each other. Then they got my big wooden spoons (Troy's idea) and hit the ball back and forth with those. Kind of like tennis but the ball stays on the ground (my idea). It actually keeps them busy for quite awhile. If they start throwing it I take the ball away.

    That is all I can think of right now.

  4. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Timothy's favorite thing is to grab all pillows he can find. He usually has about 5 of them. He makes a pile on the floor and then takes running leaps and flings himself into the pile of pillows. He's been doing that forever.

    The other thing we've been doing alot is just letting them have the garden hose. They can spray each other down. I hold it while they ride tricycles through the water. We've got various buckets, cups, paint brushes and just turn them loose with it on the front porch.

  5. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Mine love the Duplo Lego blocks. They are not the regular sized legos, and not as big as the mega blocks, but in between the two. I also got them a lego table for their birthday, but we haven't put it together yet. They also love to get gift bags and put blocks or toys in them and pretend they are going 'bye bye'. They will pack their bags and put it on their arm and say 'bye'. It's cute. They also have a big brother and love to play with his hot wheels or monster trucks. On rainy days (or hot days here in Texas) I let them bring their riding toys inside for a little while.
  6. gg22

    gg22 Active Member

    Our boys do a lot of pretend things. They mow the carpet, weed whack and blow. They also love their play kitchen. They do the ball rolling back and forth, and cars back and forth. They enjoy books independently as well as being read to. We build with mega blocks and with cardboard bricks and color with eraseable pens. We also have a playhut hippo that we cover with a large blanket so they have a tent. As I type, they are sitting next to each other in their book corner, each looking at a different book. So cute!
  7. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    There are some great activity books for toddlers. I dont have the names of them if front of me but one day I went out to Amazon and did a search for toddler activity books. I found some used for just a few dollars. When we are bored I open one of those up.

    We also do a lot of cooking/baking. I set the boys up on a stool and they help! (a little messy but fun)
  8. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    If they get bored I build a fort and get some flashlights and toys and we play under it. Another thing they LOVE is sitting in my bed with me....and watching Noggin. Even if its for half an hour, they love it, and it gives me a rest. Have you tried water play? Fill up the tub a little bit and throw some platic cups in there....even bowls.strip them to thier diapers, lay towels down and take a seat. They think its great.

    I also put on music...turn it up loud and they try and sing with me...we run arond the house and just scream (it helps mom too!), and that releases a lot of energy...

    You can also go online and go to different car websites ( and print out the boys love thier "car book"..(Or anything they are into, planes, tools, whatever)..

    I hope this helps!!
  9. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    One activity my boys have enjoyed for a long time is to put two step stools in front of the kitchen sink, turn the water on to just a trickle, and let them stand on the stools and play in the sink with a lot of different containers. For extra fun, put drops of food color in the containers and show them how to mix up colors. We even let them play with the soap, too, so they can make bubbles. Just a warning, though, that I usually take their shirts off and put a towel on the floor under the stools since they do get a little splashy.
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