Activities for one year olds...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwinLove, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    So I've read that structured activities are good for learning, as well as free play. Well, my 14 month olds won't sit still for ANYTHING! First off, I don't know what to really do with them as far as "structured" goes. I read to them, but they don't really pay attention. I try to "teach" them things...body parts, animals, etc... and they really don't want anything to do with me! :rolleyes: So, I am asking you ladies {and gents} what should I be doing with them as far as structured activites goes? Should I be worried that they, especially my ds, won't really pay mind to me? Our day is pretty much they do as they a clueless first time mom! :huh:
  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say that I don't think my girls would stand for "structured" activities. I let them play with their toys, I will sit on the floor and build things for them to knock over with their blocks - just random play stuff.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Hey Liz!

    Right now we are just stacking blocks, putting stuff in and taking things out of containers, singing LOTS of songs, and "reading" books. Right now I am just pointing to pictures and naming them, because they get bored quickly with a page. They love the Touch and Feel series of books, because they get to feel the different textures. They are great books!! Here is one of their favorites.
  4. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    Maybe instead of structured play, you could try following them around a bit to go with their style of play, and add to/build upon what you are seeing them do. For example, Sarah picks up her dolly, and I pick up the other dolly and start pretend play with my dolly to model the play behaviour. Sarah wanders off after 5 min to play with blocks, I wander over to name the colors or stack blocks nearbye. Meanwhile, Hannah is off playing with a book, so after a few minutes, I wander over to Hannah and start pointing to pictures of interest and naming them, and so on... I find that when I force play too much, they just ignore me and walk away.
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