Activies when your twins have colds....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    My twins have colds (coughs, runny noses, the works) but no fever and they've been their usual happy selves otherwise. So can't do our usual gym/mommy 'n me/playdates, but we don't want to stay confined indoors as we are all used to going out once if not twice a day. What do you do to keep yourself and your twins busy when they have colds and the options are limited with going out? We've been taking a lot of wagon rides, strolls around the mall, and today we hit the drive-thru Starbucks and was actually fun:)! But I need more ideas!!
  2. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    We are in the exact same boat. We live in Florida so we have nice weather today. I'm taking them to the park with my sister (whose 9 month old isn't mobile yet) so that they can run around and play outside. Yesterday I set up their play yard fence thing and put same blankets down with a couple of toys and we played out in the front yard. Now that I've got an extra hand today I am going to give them a little more freedom to run. I'm not sure what the weather is like where you are though.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When my twins have colds, the weather is usually too cold for us to really go out too, so we do a lot of indoor activities-coloring, we chase a ball around the house, dance to videos, read, play in their tent.
  4. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain. I was just stuck in the house with my two for a whole week!! We are usually out once or twice a day. It was too cold for me to even take them on a walk. Im not a big TV person but Thank goodness for baby einstein and baby faith videos. My LO's were pretty sick though for two days. I made a crash spot on the floor..big stuffed bunnies, boppies and blankets and we layed there and watched videos (you know they had to be sick to sit there!). We played games, I bought popsicles so they ate those in their highchairs and made messes, read books.....those days were LONG!!

    GL!! I hope they feel better!
  5. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I have a few things that I pull out for stormy days, sick days etc... but it's still never enough! I put pit balls into a pack n play, set up their tent and we play and/or have a snack in it, stickers stickers stickers... one of mine will try to stick stickers onto a piece of paper for 45 minutes straight! Just recently on a crazy I'm sooo tired I can't sleep and everything makes me mad day... I introduced them to "Finding Nemo" (aka "fish" and point to the tv)! Other than those "special" things we just play with all the normal toys we'd play with in a day but I try to make a big huge deal out of every little thing... like building a tower out of mega blocks... "wow, let's use them ALL"! Good luck and hope they recover quickly!
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