Aching wrists & hands

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mylife, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    My wrists & hands have been aching a lot lately. Mostly at'll wake me up sometimes.
    Anyone else have this too? And anything that will help?
    I have my doctor's appt next week, but any info/help now would be great.
  2. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    Sounds like carpal tunnel! I had this while pregnant. My hands would also go numb - mostly at night. Some people buy braces, I just dealt w/ it and it went away after I gave birth.
  3. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I have it too. I just try to limit the use of them as much as possible. This doesn't always help. I have chosen to just deal with it and wait until the babies come also. I don't see the point in wasting money on a brace I won't use again.

  4. lilly_&_hunter

    lilly_&_hunter Well-Known Member

    I had it also during my pregnancy. No joke - it went away as soon as the babies were born. Crazy!
  5. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    I have it too, especially at night. My OB and chiropractor said it is due to the pregnancy and at night I tend to put my hands under my pillow which makes it worse. My left hand is the worst and when I write (I'm a lefty) my wrist actually pops repeatedly and it is very painful. I have tried the braces, but they don't provide me much relief. At least I know that in 8 weeks it should go away.
  6. kribar

    kribar Well-Known Member

    Yuch, already @ 24 weeks? Mine just started in my fingers a week ago! It sucks!! I think it's very common. Hope it goes away sooner than later. ;)
  7. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your info!!
    I remember it going away after having my son, but I'm sure having twins makes it even worse :p It's all worth it, right?!!
  8. mricharde

    mricharde Well-Known Member

    I have started experiencing this as well but not until around 35 weeks. It too wakes me up and I lay there rolling my wrist to try to work it out. I just take some tylenol to help with the ache. I know it will be one of those things that disappears in the next few weeks. Good Luck.

  9. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I had this as well. I bought the carpel tunnel wrist braces at Walgreens (they cost about $15 each I think). Honestly, the braces didn't help at all. The pain went away immediately after I gave birth.
  10. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    wow i remember having this it was soo bad that i couldn't do anything with my hands at times. i remember crying to my husband saying how the heck am i supposed to do anything with these babies with my hands like this i am going to be the worst mommy alive. i was really worried it wouldn't go away and after i gave birth it went away. i just dealt with it until i gave birth. the braces felt like they made it worse not better. hope you find something to do for it
  11. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    I had it bad with both pregnancies and my Doctor referred me to an orthopedic doctor. The ortho said that is left untreated in many cases it can cause permanent nerve damage. I had steroid shots in my wrists and it went away in days. I could not sleep or use my hands (due to numbness) most days, so the relief was amazing. I don't know how often this can become a lasting condition, but I didn't want to take the chance. The shots were uncomfortable, but nothing compared to the pain I was in. I was 25 wks when it hit me with my first pregnancy and 20 weeks with the twins. It was brutal. If you really can't stand it, talk to your dr and ask for a referral. I also slept with the braces on, which provided some relief, but the shots were the only thing that really helped.

  12. 2twins07

    2twins07 Well-Known Member

    Yeah! At night through the pregnancy & it got worse after birth while in the hospital. Poor wrists never get a break!!!
  13. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    I've had it with every pregnancy. This time it started around 19 weeks. Personally I swear by wearing the braces at night. You have to find ones that are comfortable and actually stabilize the wrist. Mine run about 3 inches down my wrist and have 3 velcro straps to keep them in place. Also a metal bar on the underside that keeps the hand slightly tilted up. As long as I wear them for naps and night time, I don't have pain during the day. And I don't need them after giving birth.
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