Absent End Diastolic Flow

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mes_00, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    Well Baby B is still showing Abnormal Absent EDF 2 weeks later. He's breathing and moving fine in the womb and my NST's are fine. They keep telling me I have the best babies on the wing and it's full to the brim with multiple mommies.

    So, has anyone had experience with this? Could this result in CP or some other developmental issues once he's born?

    I'm looking for any info and input. So please share with me!

    They won't deliver me unless it beccomes Abnormal Reverse EDF or there's growth issues. I'm still hospitalized on bedrest and they told me to just keep doing nothing. Eat, sleep, and don't do anything that exerts me.

    I'm not panicked but just concerned since I'm not having luck finding any info on long term issues with this.
  2. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    My boys suffered from TTTS and my donor baby (Baby B) had Absent EDF from about 14 weeks to at least 18 weeks. He is totally fine now - 2 years later. The only problem we have is a slight speech delay, but, that is so incredibly minor. We were told that CP was a possible end results of TTTS but we see no signs of that in our boys at all.
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy had absent flow with no major lasting problems. She does have a slight heart murmur and ear tubes due to her small size.
  4. MissyG

    MissyG New Member

    My Baby B had AEDF from week 26 until I delivered at week 32. I was closely monitored but told I wouldn't deliver unless it reversed. It never did. I was scheduled for a c-section at 32 weeks. He was a bit smaller than his brother but has had no lasting effects. He's a normal 18 month old who has no issues that are different from his twin
  5. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies for the info! Everywhere I searched I never found any results on the end issue.

    Just something we want to be prepared for just in case. Not be surprised or anything.
    My Dr's basically told me nobody can be sure but they will keep me monitered and deliver if need be. No real idea of outcomes have been given since they just aren't sure.
  6. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    Griffen had absent end flow from 20 weeks to 30 weeks when it started to go reverse end so they were delivered. He weighed 1.15, his identical brother 3.4. No evidence of cp at 21 weeks old, he is closely monitored by physios and ot's because of his low birth rate. He started smiling the day after his brother.
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