? about car seats and car accidents

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    we went to a stay and play at our local library a couple of weeks ago and there was a representative there to answer parenting questions on safety and the such. She told me that if you have a car accident of even up to 5 miles per hour that you have to get a new car seat. She said that something in the car seat shifts or something happens to that effect. Did you ever hear this? What do you think? I've never had a car accident but after spending $500 on car seats that are suppose to last until they weigh 65lbs it would sure suck to get into a little fender bender and have to toss them out and get new ones??
  2. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I have heard this, but according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) if you are in a minor accident you don't have to replace car seats. Also some insurance companies with reimburse the cost of new car seats.

    Parenting article
  3. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    This is a big topic for me, and the answer is yes, if you are in a collision the seats must be replaced. Reguardless if they are occupied or not. They are only tested for one incident, not repeated ones. The insurance company is to pay for the seats. So, have a copy of your purchase reciepts or the manual for your seats so that can help the company in the replacement costs.
    We recently switched car carriers and I talked about this with the agent, being a parent he was very concerned. He found out that is is absolutely true, any seat tested in a crash of any calliber must be replaced.
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Thanks Trish, that article was very imformative. Good tip to know. Thanks
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    thanks appymama, also very good to know. don't think i still have the receipts (will have to look for manuals). something to deffinately discuss with insurance co. just in case.
  6. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    the NHTSA just recently updated the guidelines but before that, yes the recommendation was to replace it after ANY collision.

    That said...the NHTSA just makes guidelines. You should always check with the manufacturer about your specific carseats to see if those guidelines are appropriate for your restraints.

    I was hit last year and according to NHTSA's suggestions, one seat should be replaced and one not necessarily. My insurance company (USAA) suggested I contact Evenflo to find out what they suggested. I called them and they faxed and mailed me a letter to send to the insurance company stating that both seats should be replaced immediately, so we did and our insurance pd it all (they had paid for the seats to begin with, actually ;) ).

    ETA: since our insurance company covered the seats at replacement cost and not current value, we did not need receipts or records. We just purchased the new seats and faxed in receipts and had our check within days.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have heard after an accident you should get new seats. Didn't know at 5mph though.

    Great article Trish!
  8. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Yes! I was rearended in June with just dd and me. No one was injured just shook up. But the hatch and front hood of my honda ody was smashed well :icon_eek: Anyways, yes the at fault person's ins co had no problems at all reimbursing me for new seats for ALL 3 of my kids even though my boys were not in theirs. I got letters from Graco and britax and sent them to the ins co just in case.

  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(1girltwinboyz @ Oct 2 2007, 12:16 PM) [snapback]432536[/snapback]
    Yes! I was rearended in June with just dd and me. No one was injured just shook up. But the hatch and front hood of my honda ody was smashed well :icon_eek: Anyways, yes the at fault person's ins co had no problems at all reimbursing me for new seats for ALL 3 of my kids even though my boys were not in theirs. I got letters from Graco and britax and sent them to the ins co just in case.


    Oh how scary! Good to know though that insurance will cover them! Glad you two were okay! That is my worst fear, being in a car accident with my kids in the car!
  10. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    I was rear ended when my kids were 1 (yes they were with me at the time!) but no one was hurt. There was some damage to my car, but nothing major. My insurance company replaced my car seats, but only after I ASKED them about it, they didn't seem to eager to offer up that information. At any rate, we got reimbursed for the new seats with no problem! :) They didn't ask what kind we had or anything, we just had to send the receipts and they sent us a check.
  11. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing this. I did not know that ins. would cover it if asked.
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