Aaah! Bea climbed out!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Both of them have been throwing their legs over the side of the crib, but I didn't think they would actually get out. Well, Bea did at naptime. We have hardwood floors too, so it was not a soft landing :( She was pretty freaked out, but is asleep now. Part of me wants to go get her arm x-rayed. It was hard to tell if she is seriously hurt, as she was so worked up, I didn't know if she was crying from pain or just being upset.
    So, I'm going to go get crib tents this afternoon. Hope they aren't bothered by them. Maybe it will help with the throwing everything out deal, too.
  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I hope the crib tents work for you!!

    On the throwing out deal- my girls did this...and then one night I left it all on the floor and gave them just thier pacis back (we still have to get rid of those....). We had some moaning & crying- and one of them went to bed way late. BUT they very rarely do it now.....=]

    No if something gets dropped I hear 'Uh oh...' and usually that is it.

    Good luck and I hope her arm is OK!
  3. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Goodluck with the crib tents. I hope her arm is ok. Glad she was able to get to sleep.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Sorry the climbing-out bug finally bit you! So far mine haven't even thrown a leg out yet. They have tried to climb in, though, which I imagine is the first step to climbing out.

    I hope her arm is OK. If she went to sleep eventually, it probably is. Poor thing -- but I hope it freaked her out enough that she doesn't try it again before the crib tents show up! (I have a MOM friend who managed to keep her twins in their cribs till they were 3 -- she said "They climbed out for a while, but it was hard on their heads, so eventually they stopped.")
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Kelly, Martin did the same thing around Bea's age and he was SOOOO flipped out by it, he never did it again! SERIOUSLY!! I ordered a crib tent online that day (still have it in the package) and never used it!
  6. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    We are in the SAME boat! Ian climbed out ONCE a couple of months ago. Then Grayson decided over the weekend that he wanted to climb out. So now they BOTH climb out at naptime and sometimes in the morning.
    I ordered two tents from Walmart on Monday and they came today. So we put them on before bedtime tonight. They thought they were cool when we were putting them together but Ian wasn't too thrilled about it once we put them to bed. However, I was SO relieved to know they weren't going to fall out anymore!! What a stress lifted off!

    I hope you situation is under control and your little one is ok.

  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member


    Turns out she has a broken wrist :-( I went back and forth on whether or not to take her to the ER. After dinner, I thought, I could not put her to bed not knowing, so I said let's go. I could have easily not taken her though, she was acting fine, only time it seemed to bother her was when washing her hands. She was so brave at the hospital. The nurses gave her stickers, a coloring book, crayons, and a blanket, so that really helped keep her distracted. My mom was over and put Ainsley to bed. Ainsley was concerned about where Bea was, but my mom told her Bea would be back soon and she was fine. Bea got a temporary cast at the ER and we need to see the orthopedist tomorrow.

    I did get crib tents and they both thought they were pretty cool. I showed Bea's hers before we went to the ER so she wouldn't be freaked out when we got home. Poor thing was up till almost 10:00, she was so tired.
  8. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Poor thing. I'm glad you got her checked out and that gma was able to pinch hit for you with A.

    Keep us posted on what the orthopedist says tomorrow.

  9. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    OMG Kelly how horrible! :hug99: Poor Bea, I hope shes doing better. Good thing you listened to your mommy gut and took her in.
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Poor thing! I'm glad you decided to take her in. And also glad they weren't too freaked out by the tents. How long does she have to have the cast on?
  11. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear about the broken wrist. I hope she's not uncomfortable.

    One of my boys (just 5 days younger than your twins) decided to climb out this week too so he's the proud owner of a new crib tent. ;)
  12. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    oh no! poor bea! ugh. make sure to get her a waterproof cast - that way she can take baths and such and not worry about it too much. i don't know if you remember but cam broke his leg at 10 months and was so resiliant and great about it - he got used to the cast really quickly and it didn't bother him. he only had to wear it 3 weeks.

    that must have been so scary for you and for bea!
  13. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ruthjulia @ Sep 29 2007, 02:55 PM) [snapback]428926[/snapback]
    oh no! poor bea! ugh. make sure to get her a waterproof cast - that way she can take baths and such and not worry about it too much. i don't know if you remember but cam broke his leg at 10 months and was so resiliant and great about it - he got used to the cast really quickly and it didn't bother him. he only had to wear it 3 weeks.

    that must have been so scary for you and for bea!

    Yes, I do remember that. We see the ortho on Monday, I will be asking about the waterproof cast. Bathtime has been a pain, she doesn't understand why she can't get her arm in the water, she loves to play in the tub. I hope she won't be in a cast long.
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