Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Orestia, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :headbang: :gah:

    I just took off the girls' crib tents and I thought we were going to have a major melt down. Well, now they're in bed and have realized it's not all horrible. They can throw their stuff out of bed and play games with each other. Yay! I think I need a nap now.

    Potty training is failing miserably. I think I'm going to give up for a couple of weeks and try again once we get the toddler bed rails in the mail.

    On the plus side, they're both getting much better at drinking from cups, so at least I don't have to worry about sending them to college with sippy cups. Diapers maybe, but not sippy cups.
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck!
    They will potty train when they are ready. My girls trained about 6 months apart both at their own pace.
  3. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Oh....I remember the meldowns without the tents. We kept them on till they went to beds. The trial run was no fun. Great job with the cups! My husband was just asking how much longer we needed the sippies for Cody. I said a LONG time.
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Oh my...:hug: for all of the hard moments! But, :yahoo: for one good transition at a time!! The rest will come. And hang in there...those moments can be sooo long!
  5. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Let me share 3 PTing stories.

    Annie: Was changing her own pull up at 27 months. Wearing undies by 2 1/2. Continued having accidents until 3 1/2, always at home, never at preschool. (In her defense, we had LOTS of changes in our lives at that time which may have contributed.) Still wet at night at 6 1/2.

    Jo: Thought she'd always be in diapers. Last summer, just shy of 3 1/2, pulled up the rug, brought the potty into the living room, stuck her in undies. 2 accidents the first day, one for the next 2 days. Done. None since. Dry at night.

    Ellie: Planned to do her this summer like Jo. In March she saw some of Annie's undies, "I have panties like that. I wanna wear them." She did, but had accidents so went back in diapers; her choice. But then she'd tell us when she had to go. 3 weeks later she was in undies all the time, and dry at night as well.

    So my advice to PTing is to wait until they are older, past 3, or when THEY decide. I thought PTing Jo was the easiest thing ever...until Ellie decided for herself. It was so easy with the last 2.

    We just recently got rid of most sippies as well. My DH does the dishes and LOVES not having to wash the lids and valves!
  6. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    Good for you!
    We still haven't gotten rid of the sippies. we got the tumblers with removable lids to try dringking from big girl cups, but then they were so distractable and wild we had at least one spill each meal, so I gave up and we're back to sippies again. If they have to go to college like that, so be it.

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