Warning: this is going to be a ridiculous amount of complaining so feel free to turn back now. Just have to type it somewhere and I'd rather not announce to my real life friends and family that I have the urge to start punching a wall and screaming in frustration. Here's why I'm going insane. 1. The boys will not stop whining! Caleb is upset because after DH's comments on how they don't "do" or "know" anything, I've gone into psycho-mom mode and pushing him like crazy to get on his knees and transition and wave bye-bye, etc. and of course he protests the entire time and lies his head down in defeat making me feel like a total a$$. 2. I have been up at least 2 times a night between the two of them and it's really wearing me down. Caleb is screaming upstairs right now becuase I've put them down for a nap but it might be too early because I have no clue what time they woke up becuase I was so delirious from being up ALL NIGHT! I can't go in and get him because I feel so frustrated right now and it will just make things worse. 3. We have the ECHO scheduled for tomorrow at 2 and when I just called to confirm, the lady tried to tell me it was at 3! this has been scheduled and recorded in my planner for 2 weeks now...I'm not stupid, I know the difference between 2 and 3. I yell at her and then she admits...oh, we had to change it because they decided we need to allow more time for blah blah blah. Well then f#%$ing SAY that! Don't make me seem like I lost my marbles and don't know the difference between the words two and three! 4. This situation 5. So when I tell DH how frustrated and worried I am about the ECHO and reason 4, he says "Don't worry about that. Everything will be fine. If you want something to worry about, worry about the fact that I just realized we're almost out of money." Great. F#$%ing great.
No advice, just a :hug99: Go throw something, that always makes me feel better. I hope your day gets better soon!
I am sorry, I hope things get better for you real soon...I have days just like this, tomorrow will be better. Dont worry about Caleb, he will crawl and wave when he is ready. You could maybe go on a walk with the kids, they may take a nap and you would feel better. Drop that loser friend of yours....she doesnt sound worth your time! and tell DH you and him could sit down and work on a budget but right now you are focused on the ECHO- BTW-that will be fine, and you will show up on time! I really hope you feel better soon!
Go beat up your pillow. Call it names. Pretend it's actually the person you'd like to be hitting. That always makes me feel better and makes my pillow squishier. And don't sweat the small stuff. My general rule of thumb to remember whether or not something is important or not is to think "Will they be doing this behavior at their college graduation?" I bet dollars to donuts he'll figure out how to wave bye-bye before then.
How frustrating! I hope writing this all down has helped somewhat. It usually makes me feel better. I would go in the bathroom, close the door and scream as loud as possible! I'm a crier so I'd do that too! Lots of hugs to you! P.S. Tell your DH we're all almost out of money. Welcome to twinhood!
UUUUGhhhh, I am so sorry....that is a LOT going on & for you think about. :hug99: You need a break!!!!
Sorry to hear about all of the crap going on right now. I'm sure things will settle down soon, but in the meantime go find a pillow and have a good scream into it! Like pp said I'm a cryer to so that's what I would be doing. As far as Caleb goes I'm positive he will learn how to crawl and wave bye bye soon with such a great mom working with him, that said we are having intense crawling and waveing bye bye sessions here too esp. with Emmett (funny how were working on the exact same things) so I know how it feels to want them to do something! Money? Who has money? My husband is a financial advisor and you'd think I'm his biggest client because I'm always the one being advised. It will work out. Hope the ECHO goes well Erica p.s. oh get ride of the needy loser friend.
jeez I know how you feel. Especially that last comment you made. all stressed out about the house not being kept up, babies are stinky and need a bath but SO won't do it, trying to make the bills on time. Then he says "we're out of formula" I want to snap, you tell me this now!! Jeez, feels like I have to do everything around here. My situation may not be exactly like yours, but I know what it's like to want to lose it and just throw things. I try not to be around the babies because I don't want them to pick up on my stress or anger. I try and ration everything out and come to a conclusion "I'm just human, I'm doing the best that I can and I will take things day by day" If you think about all the negative things that are happening currently you will lose it, try to balance it out with something positive, anything. I hope your day gets better, it's tough being like that and having to take care of two fuss buckets :hug99:
Just sending you big hugs and I hope everything works out ok. We are getting kind of tight on the money situation right now too. And if it makes you feel any better you need to ditch the friend because she is not a real friend. My girls didn't crawl till they were 10 months and a week. Caleb will figure it out. Good luck on the ECHO tomorrow and I am sure everything will work out fine for you. Oh yeah my girls have gotten really whiny & clingy to me lately and I do want them to want me but a little break would be great every now and then.
:hug99: i'm sorry you're having a hard time, just take a step back, breathe, and put it all into perspective--and if that doesn't help, scream into a pillow, or throw something--hard!!! sandra
Damine, We've all been there (and will be there again!). So sorry you're dealing with all of this at the same time. For what it's worth, I say don't worry about Caleb. Whether you push him or not... he'll get there in his own sweet time. The only thing you're doing is making yourself miserable. And about that friend...? Unless she provides for you something you don't get from any other friend, I say put some distance between you and her. That's weird that a woman would need approval from another's husband so badly. She's thinking of herself first, not you... and that's not what a true friend should do. My two cents. Good luck! And let us know how the ECHO goes...
I can't even count the number of times I've wanted to hit something...... Usually I end up waiting until I'm in the shower, and the tears start spilling out, then I'll either hit the wall with my hand (if no one is around to hear it) or just quietly tap my head against the wall while I'm crying. I'm not a cryer by nature, but it helps get the frustration out w/o actually hitting someone. And yea, the chick - she's gotta go. She's got issues all over the place and not only is not worth your DH's time, but not worth your time either. There will never be enough $$$, but you will manage to make it somehow. We do. I always make sure to buy the necessities (diapers, formula, etc) at the BEGINNING of the month, and get enough to last, for that 'just in case' moment at the end of the month, 2 days before payday and there's no money left in the account..... THAT would be a bad time to run out of formula or diapers. Also, I've learned to buy generic. My girls' did just fine on generic, Target brand formula which is $10 cheaper per can than the brand names. And, with bayb #3 on the way (and all THREE in diapers) I've recently learned that generic diapers are just as good also, and for $11/case (of 100+ diapers) instead of $27/case, we're saving a TON. Good luck with the ECHO and everything else. Don't worry about progression, your kids will go at their own pace. Ours just recently started waving by-by (at 15 months) but were doing tons of other things early. Both started walking within a week of their first b-day, not super early, but on target...... They're fine, normal, healthy don't push them to hard that just frustrates everyone that much more. And tell DH to get ahold of himself, I'm sure there were PLENTY of things he didn't do 'on time' developmentally, etc.....
:hug99: I only thought "when it rains, it pours" happened in my world! Good Luck with the appointment.
Big HUGS! Good luck with everything. If you need to, it's really OK to hit something (soft is best). Sometimes it's just what you need to do. Sending positive vibes for tomorrow's ECHO. I know how hard it is to not stress about developmental stuff. You know your boys better than anyone in the world right now... they will be just fine... so don't let DH's comments worry you. I'm broke, too..... and I agree, ditch the "friend". She sounds like quite a piece of work!
:hug99: No words of wisdom. When I get frustrated to an extreme I usually take a shower so I can CIO! :hug99:
Yuck! So sorry that you're going through all of this! First and foremost you need to ditch the frienemy. I certainly couldn't handle someone like that in my life. What adult acts like that? Can you just avoid that restaurant altogether? Is it the one you used to work at? Didn't you say the boys don't like it there anyway... maybe they're on to something And tell Dh that there's nothing you can do to MAKE Caleb do those things. I was getting so concerned about my boys developmental stuff because they weren't waving bye-bye, clapping their hands, pointing to any body parts, etc. I started working non-stop with them and I could tell it was just frustrating them. I'm sure they were thinking... "Why is this woman waving bye-bye at me ALL DAY??" As soon as I backed off Jake waved. And Ben still hasn't. They're going to do what they're going to do whenever they're ready. Try and hang in there Larami, it's tough when you're a new mom and all the pressure starts to build up. Before the babies were born my favorite thing to do when I stressed was just take off. I loved driving for hours, listening to music, and just being ALONE. Those days are gone. But I do still try to sneak in some alone time when I can. Maybe a hot bath or a long walk after the babies go to bed. Or you could just hit something. That works too. Wishing you lots of luck with the Echo tomorrow. Know that you're in my prayers tonight! Please let us know how it goes.
we ARE outta money!! I have learned to just laugh hysterically and realize it doesn't last forever, even colicky babies stop fussing eventually, even if it takes until they are 13, then the terrible teens start!! ok, none of that probably made you feel better, but find the humor in everything and it will all seem like some unnecessarily hilarious cosmic joke :rotflmbo: oh, and ya, your stupid "friend" needs to go away.
:hug99: I don't blame you for wanting to punch something in frustration! I think I would have smashed up the house if I were you!!!! I hope things get better for you very soon and that the ECHO goes well!
I dont think I could count the times I have wanted to punch something in the last year. Mostly I sit there going internally beserk. Hope you feel better after venting.
We're also out of money, our babies (10.5 mos) are not crawling and girl, lose that friend. Whoa. She's trouble!