A Summer Pre-teen Mommy's Helper

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by first_second_and_last, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I was offered the use of a friend's daughter this summer for a day a week - or every other week - or once a month...whatever. She's 12. I've never had anybody assist me since I had the babies except for overnights with grandparents.

    What do I do with her? I feel like I'd be making sure she was entertained and treat her like a guest instead of having her entertain the babies, KWIM?

    Have you ever used somebody that young? What did you do with them? How did they help you, or was it not useful?

    I would love to have somebody to play with them while I do some chores or be able to have both of them outside this summer.

    TIA :)
  2. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Would you be paying her? I think you just need to let her know that you will be doing chores while she is there and that you will be there if she needs you.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would have her for a few hours one day a week. She can play with the kids and read them books. Tell her activities you would like her to do. I have a 9-10 year old that likes to come play every once in a while. She just runs around with them and plays with them. I can't take it for more than an hour or so. But a 12 year old might be MORE help if you give her direction! Do it on a trial basis for a few hours at a time. That would be my suggestion. The best part about the 12 yr. old is she can go with you to the park or somewhere to help and that would be worthwhile!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I know my girls are fascinated with my 5 year old niece and DH's 10 year old niece. She should just be able to play with them and keep them entertained. Just give her direction I think.

    I had my 14 year old niece watch mine last summer for a week, but they were so little it was basically feed, change, and sleep.
  5. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I also have a helper 2 nights a week. She's 15,but very timid and shy. She's very good with the babies, but I notice she does not do much with M&M. However, I also find it's my fault too. She does wonderful with some direction. Even though we have the same routine every night, I still give her direction. She can give them a bath(I don't know if you would feel comfortable with that in your case), read stories, play with them, now that the weather's better, she's also been taking them outside.

    My kids are velcro babies lately, so in my case, I let her take care of the babies while I deal with M&M. Anyways, I just found that I was expecting her to just know what to do and I was disappointed at first. Then, I reminded myself that she's just a little kid and needs direction. It's fine now. She truly is a big help to me. And if I need to leave, I can leave her with two of them and take the other two with me.

  6. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input! This is a very responsible girl who really aims to please other people. A couple of hours each week would be fun for everybody, I hope. I won't push it past that timing.

    I could make a list of things that she could do with them; that would probably help out babysitters/grandparents now that I think about it.

    There's a great nature/animal park that is the best and she could also help if we wanted to do lunch out there and take the babies out of the stroller.

    She'd probably be easier to give direction to than my DH! :rotflmbo:
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That sounds nice. I think any help would be better than nothing. And I'm sure she would love to play with your kids. She would also be a big help to go on outings with just to have an extra hand, especially since you say she's responsible. I say go for it, sounds great!!!
  8. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Oh, I think you are going to love having a 12 year old help with your twins! At that age, they usually love to play with babies, so if you give her a list of things she can do with them, all three of them are likely to have a wonderful time! I have two sisters that take turns coming to my house and playing with my three kids (ages 2 and under). I use that time to get some cleaning or other types of work done that I can't do as well with my three underfoot. My two bits of advice would be to let her know right from the start what your expectations are (discipline, redirection, etc) and the things she can do with the children while you are working. Have fun!
  9. KatrinaS

    KatrinaS Well-Known Member

    I was regularly babysitting a 6 month old and a 3 year old when I was twelve. If she seems receptive and responsible I'm sure if you give her guidelines to follow she will do great. Like pp mentioned, I'd probably have her entertain the troops so that I was freed-up to do chores. GL
  10. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I'd have her play with the kids. I would feed her what meals she is there for. I started babysitting(large groups with an adult present) at this age but I really loved babies. It would be best if this is something she really wanted to do not something her mom was offering so she could have alone time.
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