A question about Milk

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikio95, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. nikio95

    nikio95 Active Member

    So one of my girls, Hannah, has a milk protein problem. She cannot tolerate any dairy. Now it's time to switch to real milk. So we have been doing Silk Soy Milk the last week, but the last few days, poor Hannah has had the runs. Since milk protein allergies tend to also be Soy protein allergies, I was wondering if anyone has been through this? What kind of milk did you give your little one, if they can't have dairy or soy?

  2. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I'm a ped and we often recommend rice milk or almond milk. Some kids can also tolerate goats milk bc the proteins are different enough. Most milk allergies kids will grow out of, and the best way to help her grow out of it faster is to try to do as strict avoidance as you can even if she seems to tolerate the food, which unfortunately means A LOT of label reading!
  3. SheriBrownDion

    SheriBrownDion Well-Known Member

    My son also has a severe milk protien allergy, although he does not seem to be bothered by soy. None-the-less we try to limit soy. I recommend trying the following dairy alternatives: "So Delicious" coconut milk and coconut yogurt (really really good!), Blue Diamond or Silk brand almond milk, Rice Dream rice milk, (Pacific Foods) hazelnut milk and oat milk. We buy rice milk by the case and use it in all of our baking - it works fine. The hazelnut and oat milks I am trying this week (they have higher protien values so I thought I would give them a try). Everything is calcuim and Vitamin D fortified. The coconut milk and yogurt are great, but very expensive. I do give him soy yogurt because it is less expensive and usually mix it into smoothies so he will eat it (he is ultra picky!). Also the DV almod milk is like a milkshade - soooo sweet - but really yummy! So try other brands until you find one you like.
    Good luck - let me know if you want any specific ideas. I have recipies for vegan cookies and cakes etc.
  4. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We're dealing with the same thing over here. We successfully transitioned DD to whole milk, but it's DS who, after several attempts, does not seem to be tolerating it. He's been on Nutramigen since he was about 8 wks old. We see our ped next month so we'll be talking to her about it, but in the meantime, we are going to try some of the alternatives mentioned. Good luck to all the mamas and LOs dealing with this.
  5. nikio95

    nikio95 Active Member

    So the Soy was NOT working...funny because she can tolerate soy yogurt. Anyway, switched to Rice milk (which tastes a lot like skim milk with a little rice in the mix) and that seems to be doing the trick. She also seems to like it better. Sometimes I just feel really guilty about giving Abby cheese and real yogurt and Hannah gets nothing like that. Its hard to have 2 that need different things...but are starting to actually realize what the other is getting.

    Thanks for all the help.

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