a night spent in l & d

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by natasha163, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    Well, I have had my first scare. :eek: 26 wks.

    On one oclock on sunday afternoon i was experiencing period like cramps that would come on the hour. They lasted about 5 hours until moving to every forty five minutes, and then subsiding. With each cramp came a tightening of my bbelly. They weren't really strong like contractions, just like period pain, but tightening my belly rock hard. <_<

    Another woke me up thru the night :( then nothing til morning when hubby and i had to take the kids to town for santa photos.
    I wasn't OVERLY worried, as they had no pattern and came and went. I told hubby if i got them back i would go and get checked out, just to be sure, as we live an hour from the hosp, and were already in town.

    Sure enough they got ALOT closer together, they only increased their nearness and didn'y really get much stronger, but sometimes they were coming one on top of the other...i was getting a little worried by now.

    We went to l & d where on inital consult from a nurse, told me i was ep round ligament pain and when i told her i knew what bh felt like and it wasn't bh, she told me it was way to early to be feeling them (yeah right lady) :angry:

    They put the belts on me and sure enough they were measureing mild contractions every five minutes or so, and then a break and then more contractions, but sporaticly.

    The dr came in and said it could be false labour or onset of PTL, so checked my cervix, closed, and gave me a FFN (think thats right) which was neg YAHHHH, but my ob insisted that i stay in overnight to be sure., with an us the next day.I was told if they became regular or if mycervix was shorteneing i would be flown straight to sydney, as our hosp is not equipped with nicu :unsure:
    Babies were measuring baby a 2 pound and baby b 1 pound and 15 ounces at 26 wks. :) My cervical length was 4 cm(which was shorter than 2 weeks ago, but was still classed as satisfactory and long)
    The contractions finally got few and far between and then had completely subsided by midnight. Did not and have not had any since and have since been allowed home on the conditions that if the dtart agin to come straight in.

    I have decided to take it a lot more easy, it was quite a scare and a reality check. Lets hope it doesn't turn into real labour for a long time yet! :wavey:

    Just thought i'd share!
  2. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    oh goodness! what a scare; keep those little girls baking:) more rest, more water-blah blah :lol: take it easy:)
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Glad you went in. Must have been very scary. Glad you and the babies are doing good :)

  4. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Well I’m glad everything is OK now… and yeah a little more rest can only help… i think i'm going to go rest... RIGHT NOW ;)
  5. tigerbaby2

    tigerbaby2 Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am having my babies in a Sydney hospital. Which hospital did they say they would fly you to. We might end up crossing paths lol. Whereabouts in NSW are you? Pm me if you don't want to say where you are?

    MARYLANE Well-Known Member

    just wanted to reassure you. I had the same happening to me at 27 weeks and it was also a reality check for me at that time. But I'm still hanging there while still working (mostly sitting), at 33 weeks today. So I have learned to just live with it without worrying too much. You may be overdoing it or just have a big belly and a lot of stretching, which causes contractions. As long as they don't induce labor :)

    same advice: lots of water, feet up as often as possible, avoid stress, etc... but contact your OB if ANYTHING worries you.

    Good luck!
  7. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Glad you're okay! I definitely agree it's a good reminder to take it easy :) I've had a ton of ctx too but no cervical changes as of yet. Will you be monitored fairly frequently by your Dr? Mine does FFNs and cervix checks every two weeks now.
  8. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tigerbaby2 @ Dec 18 2007, 05:40 PM) [snapback]539488[/snapback]
    Hi, I am having my babies in a Sydney hospital. Which hospital did they say they would fly you to. We might end up crossing paths lol. Whereabouts in NSW are you? Pm me if you don't want to say where you are?

    hi, i'm from a little rural town near dubbo, have been told i am going to westmead if i go into labor b4 34 wks (hope i can hold out...if i can we will schedule a c sect for 36wks)

    where are you from?
  9. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jenanne @ Dec 18 2007, 06:39 PM) [snapback]539556[/snapback]
    Glad you're okay! I definitely agree it's a good reminder to take it easy :) I've had a ton of ctx too but no cervical changes as of yet. Will you be monitored fairly frequently by your Dr? Mine does FFNs and cervix checks every two weeks now.

    my ob went on holidays the day i got out of hsp, so i am seeing another ob this friday. I might ask him for what you are having...sounds like a good idea.

    I am currently being monitored every 2 wks . Curious to know what your contractions felt like and what did your dr say????
  10. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MARYLANE @ Dec 18 2007, 06:03 PM) [snapback]539510[/snapback]
    just wanted to reassure you. I had the same happening to me at 27 weeks and it was also a reality check for me at that time. But I'm still hanging there while still working (mostly sitting), at 33 weeks today. So I have learned to just live with it without worrying too much. You may be overdoing it or just have a big belly and a lot of stretching, which causes contractions. As long as they don't induce labor :)

    same advice: lots of water, feet up as often as possible, avoid stress, etc... but contact your OB if ANYTHING worries you.

    Good luck!

    thanks so much it is reasuring to know that other firls have exp this too...I am trying not to worry too much...whatever will be will be....rest fliud and more rest...sounds like the best advice ever written for twin mums.

    and thanks everyone for your kind thoughts.
  11. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Hi Natasha,
    My peri told me that if my cervix was long and my FFN negative that the chances were pretty good I wouldn't go into labor in the next two weeks...BUT still you have to be cautious and attentive to the contractions' frequency. Mine started out as just a hardening of my belly. Now they are more uncomfortable but not painful, although sometimes they take my breath away briefly. I was having about 8 an hour when I went into L and D but they mellowed out while I was there. Now my OB says if I have 6 or more in an hour for TWO hours and they don't go away with rest and water to come in. But I think if I noticed the frequency increasing in just one hour with rest I'd go in to be on the safe side.
  12. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you went in and that everything turned out ok.
    Like I always say . . . . .

    "What's a twin pregnancy without a little trip to LD?"

    Now you're part of the club :lol:
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