A little concerned about no talking or crawling

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TeeandGee, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    When did your babies start crawling? When did they start saying dadadadadada or mamamamamama or gagagagagaga?

    Our girls are all over the place on the floor. They scoot backwards, they roll, they spin in circles but no forward crawling yet. I have a feeling that crawling is still a couple weeks away.

    As for speech - they make noises but nothing like I think they are supposed to. One of them keeps saying "agee" - I seriously think she is trying to say "doggy". Great, she will say doggy before mama or dada!!! ;) Our other daughter usually just says "a-ooh-aaahhh"!

    I know babies reach milestones at different times and that our girls were 5 weeks premature BUT it doesn't help me not to worry right now. I am just hoping to hear from people whose little ones started crawling and speaking a little later.
  2. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My girls were 10 weeks early. They started crawling at 9 months and didnt say dada, mama, type things until around 14 months old. Their newest word is sissy :p 8 months is still a little early for a preemie. It sounds like they are getting there by being some what mobile on the floor. They will get the hang of it!
  3. DanAbimytwomiracles

    DanAbimytwomiracles Well-Known Member

    It sounds like they're doing well but it never hurts to have an Early Intervention evaluation and it's free. Some states charge copays for the actual services, but the eval is no cost. And we make a decent lliving and with Abby's 3 therapies our max copay was $25/month.
  4. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    They're fine. Our youngest is almost 10 months. He didn't crawl until about 8/8.5 months (pretty much on target according to most books), didn't babble much until recently and only started "saying" (we can't tell if it's coincidence or he's really trying) uh-oh and up this past weekend.

    Honestly, it's way too early to tell if something is wrong IMHO. Babies develop at different rates and it really sounds like your girls are just fine and right on target developmentally. But, as always...if you're truly concerned, you can always ask your pediatrician.
  5. DanAbimytwomiracles

    DanAbimytwomiracles Well-Known Member

    Actually, it is very possible to see delays this early. The therpists who do the evals look at fine points of things that I would never have noticed. I just knew something was "off". I knew at 7 months old that Abby had delays. By her EI eval at 9 months she was 25-33% delayed in gross and fine motor skills. Most people said she was fine - including all friends, family, and the peds we saw. She started therapy at 12 months old and we were delighted when she walked for the first time at 22 months. I was very glad I trusted my mommy instinct and had her evaluated.

    Now she's a crazy 5 year old with some minor glitches still but nothing anyone would ever notice :)
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: I know it's hard, but you really don't need to worry!! Sounds like she's trying to say stuff and that really matters and counts for a lot!! Mine didn't crawl till close to 10 mos. and they didn't walk till 17 and 18 mos. The talking started taking off at 18 mos. We had a smattering of words here and there, but that's when it really seemed to click. It's still clicking along around here!! SO FUN!

    Hang in there and don't worry! They sound like they are doing WONDERFULLY!!! :wub:
  7. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Oh, I should add that Blake still doesn't say "mama" and he doesn't say anything that starts with a G sound at all. It's mostly "dada" and "babababab"...which sort of sounds like "bugga" to me. Oh, and there's a whole lot of "AAAAHHHHHH" going on too, which means he wants his older brother, Andrew.

    Again, I *really* don't see anything in your post that would indicate to ME (who's seen children with developmental delays) that they aren't fine. Especially if they were premature.

    Here is a link I quickly found on Google that explains what they "should" be doing at 7 months: http://www.medem.com/MedLB/article_detaill...amp;sub_cat=105

    And, what they "should" be doing by their first birthday: http://www.medem.com/MedLB/article_detaill...amp;sub_cat=105

    Toward the bottom, there's a list of things to look out for as well.
    Hope that helps.
  8. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Because they were 5 weeks early their development age is really 7 months so what they are doing now sounds absolutley perfect to me. My doctor told me that they really dont catch up on their development untill they are around a year old so try not to worry about it too much. My babies were 8 weeks early and ds didnt start crawling until he was 10 months (8 months adjusted age) and my dd was at 11 months (9 months adjusted age). x
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls started da-da-da right around 8 months (they were born 37.2). They haven't started crawling, cruising, or pulling up yet and as you can see from my ticker - they are over ten months!! I would address any concerns with your pedi at their 9 mo. appt. and definitely get and EI evaluation if you feel you need it. We had one for rolling and were told we didn't need services because they were on target or ahead for everything else. BUt at least it's good to know where you stand.
  10. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    Mine do about the same things as yours right now, but I can hear a difference in the noice they are making. but nothing of importance yet.
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