A classical twin moment...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ali M, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    This morning I woke up to a little voice saying, "Mommy, I poo pooed in my pants and it's all over me!" Of course, my eyes shot open and I saw Ainsley doing a waddle walk towards my bed with a little trail behind her. So, I cleaned her and the floor up and went to go change the sheets on her bed.
    While in their bedroom, I hear Sierra start coughing in the playroom and then throwing up. Paul jumps up to help her and then Ainsley's little voice joins in, "I went poo poo again and it's on my slippers!" [​IMG] So, there we are, clustered together as a happy family with one baby throwing up and the other leaving poop across the house... I started laughing because it was actually pretty funny. This isn't something a parent of singletons gets to experience. [​IMG]
    It's times like this that I have a lot of respect for those of you who stay home with the kids all by yourself. [​IMG]
  2. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    This morning I woke up to a little voice saying, "Mommy, I poo pooed in my pants and it's all over me!" Of course, my eyes shot open and I saw Ainsley doing a waddle walk towards my bed with a little trail behind her. So, I cleaned her and the floor up and went to go change the sheets on her bed.
    While in their bedroom, I hear Sierra start coughing in the playroom and then throwing up. Paul jumps up to help her and then Ainsley's little voice joins in, "I went poo poo again and it's on my slippers!" [​IMG] So, there we are, clustered together as a happy family with one baby throwing up and the other leaving poop across the house... I started laughing because it was actually pretty funny. This isn't something a parent of singletons gets to experience. [​IMG]
    It's times like this that I have a lot of respect for those of you who stay home with the kids all by yourself. [​IMG]
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Oh Alison,

    I'm so glad you have such agreat sense of humor!!

    Dealing with that, laughing all while 37Weeks pregnant! You are amazing!

    I hope you little beautiful babies are feeling better soon.
  4. Tracy B

    Tracy B Well-Known Member

    That really made me giggle! Sometimes all you can do is laugh or go crazy.
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I swear I'm laughing with you [​IMG] . It's nice that you had a sense of humor while you're cleaning up poop.
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]Now, before you had kids did you ever think that you'd be laughing at poop and vomit? Like the Johnson and Johnson commercial says, "Having a baby changes everything". They need to do a commercial with twins.

    Anyway, I'm glad that you could laugh about it. And, I hope that your kiddos start to feel better.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you could laugh about it too! This is one area of having kids I'm not that great at, I have weak stomach for those things. I probably would have been throwing up too! [​IMG]
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Yikes!!! That is bad. And a moment I fear!!!!!!
  9. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Oh no! Yuck [​IMG]! Poor things. I hope they feel better soon.
  10. homewithmy3

    homewithmy3 Well-Known Member

    OMG [​IMG] I am laughing with you.

    Reading your post brought me back to a time I was home one day with all 3 of my kiddos. They all had the stomach flu. I had 3 kids throwing up at the same time. I finally gave up trying to clean up the mess quickly and threw down a huge blanket and told them not to move away from that spot. I called my husband and told him to get home FAST cause they were all throwing up. Eachone wanted me, needed me and I wanted and needed to clean the mess up too. When he got home we both laughed at what our family room looked liked. We opened the windows that night.................Oh and the blanket.........we threw it out.

    Ramzie 6/8/00
    Malena & Sofia 6/27/03
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