9-1-1 Call

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SweetpeaG, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Gma & Gpa, our usual nannies, are out of town this week, so my 2 sisters (one has an 18-month old, the other a 6-week old), and my 70-year old grandmother all banded together to watch all 4 kids for the day (i LOVE my family :hug99: ).

    I called around noon to see how things were going. My sister said they'd had a great morning, but had received a phone call from the County Sheriff's Department inquiring as to whether there was an emergency situation at the house as they had just received a 9-1-1 call from the line! :icon_eek: :eek: <_< :lol: The funny (or worst) part is that she had no clue which of the 3 18-month olds it could have been!

    Here's a link to my sis' blog with pics from the morning's events as the top entry.
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That is pretty funny!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Oh Siri!!! Yikes!! That's pretty funny, but a little scary! (Hopefully Becky will tell you her 911 story :D)

    Glad they were able to help out with the kids!! YAY FAMILY!
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    OMG Siri! That is too funny!
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine did the same thing at about that age. Only I found out when the police officer rang my bell! To this day, I don't know how it was done! We do use it as an "embarassing moment" for them ;)
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh my goodness, what an eventful day that way. :lol:
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Siri, if you had to guess, who do you think did it? :lol: Cute pictures! She is a brave woman to have 3-18 month olds and paint in the same area!
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Oh my! Hannah called 911 on my mom's cell phone around that age. That's what grandma gets for letting a baby "play" with a real phone. The police department called back on that phone and gave us all a good talking to. I was mortified.
  9. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I think it is funny that the culprit is unknown!
  10. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    That's pretty funny! Andm very nice of your family to watch your kiddos!
  11. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    I have been waiting for this to happen in our house! You and the boys are so lucky to have such a great family!
  12. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(steph-andy @ Oct 10 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]443523[/snapback]
    I have been waiting for this to happen in our house! You and the boys are so lucky to have such a great family!

    Same here. The girls get ahold of the phone no matter repeated attempts for them to leave them alone. How funny! Good thing there's no fine for false alarms......is there?
    Cute pics BTW
  13. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ Oct 9 2007, 05:19 PM) [snapback]443242[/snapback]
    Siri, if you had to guess, who do you think did it?

    Hmmm, if I had to guess it would be a tie between Nick and Gwen (my sister's 18mo).

    Just yesterday I caught him roaming around the house with an old cordless we used to have hooked up as a second line. We removed the phone line, but for some reason didn't unplug it from the wall, so when he grabbed it it made many rewarding beep-beeps. I heard it and had to chase the sound around the house until I found him. As a kind of sick foreshadowing I thought to myself, "Thank goodness it wasn't connected so he couldn't call 911". :huh:

    Gwen, on the other hand, is ALWAYS playing with her mommy's cell phone, and has in fact called me several times without her mommy's permission...so she has a history. ;)

    She is a brave woman to have 3-18 month olds and paint in the same area!

    I agree! I told her she's ALWAYS welcome to babysit if she's going to be offering a full preschool program! ;)
  14. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we've done that at our house before!!! Only, 2 cops showed up at our door...we didn't get a pre-warning call to see if anything was wrong. We ALL had the flu and Dh and I were about dead. Morgan got ahold of the phone (she was only 11 months old) and was playing with it. DH didn't realize it was on...she must've hit enough buttons to somehow "alert" 911 and they came to the door! OMG!!! How embarrassing to tell them it was your 11 month old playing with the phone. Funniest part was...one of the cops is the dad to a kid at the same daycare my girls go to. So, he totally got there and recognized my kids! GEESH!!!

    I'm glad nothing was really wrong...it's funny (looking back) when things like that happne!
  15. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Oh no! It happens to the best of us! ;)

    I love that your family was brave enough to allow them all to fingerpaint!!
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