8 months waking in the night.... again..

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MyMMchelle, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    After sleeping through the night (about 8pm - 7isham) for 5 months, my 8 month old boys are waking up in the middle of the night again..

    After about a week of at least one of them waking up around 3:30 4am, I decided to give them 3 meals a day instead of the 2 I was doing. Figuring they just weren't full enough to sleep through the night anymore. That didn't work.

    When they wake we sometimes will just bring them in bed with us and they will fall back to sleep until about 7am.. Or sometimes we will rock them back to sleep (which we never do for naps or bedtime)..

    We will get up with them around 7, or whatever time they wake back up.. Give them a bottle. And then they will have a fruit and some cereal (homemade puree). Next bottle is at 11am, with lunch around 12:30, which is a meat and a veggie. Bottle at 3, dinner at 5:30, which is a veggie and a fruit.. Bedtime bottle is at 7pm, and they go to bed no later then 8pm.. They usually stay up for 2 hour intervals before taking a nap. There naps will range from 45minutes to 3hours.

    I do give them one snack a day, which is just some of the gerber graduate pinwheels or puff, with a sippy cup of water.. They are just starting on the finger foods, so I figured these were a safe bet..

    I don't know what else to do for them to go back to sleeping through the night.. They are full throughout the day, and very active. One is crawling everywhere and the other loves to sit and play with his toys. They are not fussy babies, they are very happy!!

    Any sugguestions would help!!! Thanks:)
  2. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    OMG!! Your boys and mine are doing the same thing and I can't handle it anymore! I am wondering what people are going to say about this.

    Just like yourself, I added more food, but it does not make a difference!

  3. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    Sounds just like us! We upped food intake but it didn't help, unfortunately my boys are still waking 1-2x/night. We got into the habit of soothing them instead of them soothing themselves - not sure what our next plan is but somethings gotta change - its getting really old!
  4. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    Hi, i am Mymmchelles Fiancé! I hope we can find an answer to this! Its interesting to me that other people are noticing the same thing! i am normally up later then Michelle and i have noticed a few things.. .

    I notice that they are not sleeping as well as i used to, they toss and turn (we have the baby monitor with video (which is awesome by the way)) plus make various noises as if they where waking up for 5 seconds then falling back asleep!

    When they do wake up normally between 2:30 am and 4:00 am they do not want to fall back asleep... They will get rocked for at times 30 - 60 minutes, with back patting and rubbing and singing and shhhhing with nothing, they are still awake....

    Nothing has changed in our routine, minus the added meal Michelle gives them, but that was to counter us thinking they where waking up hungry..

    lol we got used to sleeping through the night, and its rough not having that any more...

    but i am more concerned with what could be making them wake up in the night rather than my lack of sleep...

    i think tonight we are going to try to let them cry it out, they never where bad about that, when we started with their routine we put them down awake and they fell right asleep... but i think know they know, if they wake up in the night, and fuss a bit mommy or daddy are right there!

    Also, is it possible they could be afraid of the dark? when they go to sleep at night we crack the door with our hallway light on so its not pitch black in their room, we live on the border of woods so it gets dark a night (no streetlights or anything) could a night light possibly help?
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We've been going through the same thing and went through it with the twins as well at that age. The only thing that worked for us (and yes I know it may sound strange but try it!) is putting them to bed earlier. Mine started going down at about 7ish around that time and went back to sttn.
    Good luck!
  6. sweetypies

    sweetypies Well-Known Member

    Are they eating the entire bottle before bed? Mine weren't finishing their 8 ounces bottle, sometimes they would just take 4 or 5 ounces and they would wake up during the night to eat, between 3 and 5 am. So after some painful nights of not much sleep, we've decided to make them finish their bottles. They usually go to bed between 7 and 8 pm and if they don't finish their bottle than, we would feed them the rest around 10pm, when we went to bed. Now my boys STTN until 7am, with occasional wake ups just for a hug and they go back to sleep.
    Hope you find something that works for you.
  7. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    ya they eat the entire 8oz bottle give or take a few sips...

    we put them on our sholders a burp then for 5-10 min, or untill they are about to fall asleep, (we try nto to let them fall asleep on us)

    they get 8 oz of the Good start (orange can) formula and we put 2 tbsp's of rice ceral in the bottle to thicken it up a little bit..
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure it's not a food thing, but a brain thing. They are learning new things and hitting new milestones that keep them wanting to be busy. We went through sleep regression at 8 months with new teeth (any teeth in sight???) and at 10 months with crawling. 11 months brought pulling up in the crib! You may need to let them cry it out when they wake up or make sure they have lots of extra pacis (if they use them). Hang in there, this too shall pass!
  9. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    They both have their bottom two teeth.. Pretty sure they are teething with their top two.. I have one that is already crawling.. They don't use pacis, but one, Aiden, sucks his thumb, and it seems he can sooth himself back to sleep much easier then his brother, Landon.. It also seems like Landon is scared of the dark. If he wakes in the night, he will scream and he can never put himself back to sleep at night. During the day he falls alseep with no problem, and when we lay him down to bed - with the door cracked and the hall light on...

    But we are going to let them cio if they wake up through the night and see how that goes!!
  10. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    ya they both have 2 bottom teeth and we are awaiting arrival of their top teeth by the way they are acting!

    Aiden our 1 of 2 has been crawling for a few weeks now...

    and neither of them took to the pacis, but aiden forever has this thumb in his mouth...

    i just want to make sure everything is ok... thats my major concern, if i needed to wake up 50 times a night, so be it, i can cope... but its making sure they are ok or we are not negecting any of their needs i get concerned with...
  11. ycwife

    ycwife New Member

    Sounds to me like it is time to drop a nap. If they are napping three times a day then it is probably time to go down to two naps. That is what worked for us. Good luck!!
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