8 month olds and finger foods

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cmharper, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    We are currently at 2 solid meals a day, typically consisting of oatmeal and fruit in the a.m. and cereal and a Stage 2 veggie for dinner.

    I have some questions about the next steps (finger foods):

    • When did you start feeding a 3rd meal (lunch)?
      What finger foods did you first introduce? I have tried Puffs, which Bryce is getting the hang of. Chloe wants nothing to do with it. What is the next best thing to start with Bryce?
      If I try new finger foods like pasta or soft-cooked veggie or fruit pieces, do I offer those in addition to the cereal/oatmeal/fruit/veggie mix, or instead of them?
      Do you just keep giving them the finger foods until they don't want anymore or do you have a limit of how much they can eat?
      Bryce didn't particularly care for a turkey/rice jar - it made him gag. Did you have better luck with soft, small pieces of meat instead of the jarred kind?

  2. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    We are currently at 2 solid meals a day, typically consisting of oatmeal and fruit in the a.m. and cereal and a Stage 2 veggie for dinner.

    I have some questions about the next steps (finger foods):

    • When did you start feeding a 3rd meal (lunch)?
      What finger foods did you first introduce? I have tried Puffs, which Bryce is getting the hang of. Chloe wants nothing to do with it. What is the next best thing to start with Bryce?
      If I try new finger foods like pasta or soft-cooked veggie or fruit pieces, do I offer those in addition to the cereal/oatmeal/fruit/veggie mix, or instead of them?
      Do you just keep giving them the finger foods until they don't want anymore or do you have a limit of how much they can eat?
      Bryce didn't particularly care for a turkey/rice jar - it made him gag. Did you have better luck with soft, small pieces of meat instead of the jarred kind?

  3. valeriemiller39

    valeriemiller39 Well-Known Member

    When did you start feeding a 3rd meal (lunch)?

    I started a 3rd meal at 7 months

    What finger foods did you first introduce? I have tried Puffs, which Bryce is getting the hang of. Chloe wants nothing to do with it. What is the next best thing to start with Bryce?

    I did Puffs and Cheerios until they figures it out. Try pieces of banana, peaches, or other soft fruits. Pieces of whole wheat bread or rolls. I've given mine peas with the skins peeled off (usually by my teeth) Now, they get little pieces of whatever I eat.

    If I try new finger foods like pasta or soft-cooked veggie or fruit pieces, do I offer those in addition to the cereal/oatmeal/fruit/veggie mix, or instead of them?

    Until they start eating a large quantity, give them in addition to pureed foods..either before or after - your preference.

    Do you just keep giving them the finger foods until they don't want anymore or do you have a limit of how much they can eat?

    Whatever works for you. I only feed mine in a highchair and at scheduled times. I'll let them eat until they are full. Then they wait until next meal time.

    Bryce didn't particularly care for a turkey/rice jar - it made him gag. Did you have better luck with soft, small pieces of meat instead of the jarred kind?

    My first born never liked the jarred meats so we went straight to finger food meats...ham turkey chicken
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'll try to get them all......let's see

    3 meals - 9 mos.

    Puffs, pancake pieces, biter biscuits (huge mess!)

    Let them try them WITH whatever you are feeding

    Use them initially to keep busy while you are getting ready to feed them.

    I didn't ever do straight meats! [​IMG] DOG FOOD! (My dog actually wouldn't eat it!)
    Do, turkey and sweet potato and chicken w/apples etc.... they are FAR BETTER!@!!!
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