7 Chakras and 7 Planets

Discussion in 'General' started by lola5, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    We acknowledge the existence of seven chakras and seven bodies. Among these, only the physical body is tangible and perceptible. The other bodies are invisible, yet this does not imply their non-existence.

    The Chakras are:
    1. Muladhara
    2. Svadhisthana
    3. Manipura
    4. Anahata
    5. Vishuddha
    6. Ajna
    7. Sahasrara
    The Bodies are:
    1. Physical
    2. Etheric
    3. Astral
    4. Mental
    5. Causal
    6. Buddhic
    7. Atmic
    lanets and Chakras
    1. Muladhara is linked to our life force, physical strength, and resilience against adversity. It's associated with Kundalini energy. Astrologically, Muladhara corresponds to Mars, representing physical strength, determination, and crisis management. Common emotions tied to both Muladhara and Mars include fear, confidence, a sense of security, and anger.
    2. Svadhisthana governs creativity, genetic memory, attraction, and experiencing love through the external world. Venus is the associated planet, also signifying creativity, love, spiritual bliss, pleasure, and material happiness. Harmonizing Svadhisthana and Venus involves mastering desires, controlling feelings and cravings, embracing creativity, and bringing harmony into one's life.
    3. Manipura represents willpower, influence over others, and decision-making. It is astrologically connected to the Sun, which bestows generosity, responsibility, courage, optimism, and nobility when harmonious. Disharmony in the Sun can lead to egoism, manipulation, and irresponsibility. Cultivating Sun's positive qualities can harmonize Manipura.
    4. Anahata, the heart center, is where one finds happiness and unconditional love. It's linked to the Moon in astrology, influencing self-esteem and independence. Common traits between them include caregiving, sharing energy and happiness, and inner peace. A harmonious Moon indicates a balanced Anahata.
    5. Vishuddha, the throat center, relates to communication, creativity, and expressing thoughts and ideas. Mercurygoverns this chakra, being the master of negotiations and compromises. A balanced Mercury and Vishuddha aid in effectively communicating thoughts and feelings, writing poetry, and possessing eloquent speech.
    6. Ajna, also known as the "third eye", is connected to consciousness, mental abilities, memory, intuition, and reading between the lines. Saturn is its astrological counterpart, granting wisdom, acceptance of fate, and meditative abilities. Faith and spiritual path adherence are crucial for both Ajna and Saturn.
    7. Sahasrara is about divine connection, purity, and unity with the Universe. Jupiter, associated with this chakra, brings an understanding of the divine nature of everything, providing spiritual teachers and divine protection. A balanced Jupiter and Sahasrara lead to a strong mind, wisdom, and effective knowledge absorption and counseling.
    As you can see, everything is interconnected. There's nothing isolated in nature. Harmonizing any Planet brings harmony to your subtle bodies and chakras as well.
    All the info I found at moon3000 blog.

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