6month old not interested in taking bottles

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MyMMchelle, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    My boys turned 6 months old yesterday!! But Landon, isn't interested in drinking his bottles anymore..

    I haven't switched formula or started anything different.. We have a pretty good schedule, they get 8oz bottles at 7am, 11am, 3pm and bedtime bottle at 7pm. They will sleep from about 8/8:30pm to 6:30/7am. They get about 3 to 4 tsps of single grain cereal right before their 11am feed (for now, until the dr gives us the ok at their 6months check up for veggies and fruits.). And it has been this way for I would say almost 2 months..

    About a week ago, Landon started showing no interested during one of his afternoon bottles.. I didn't really think much of it because they say when they get a little older they cut out another bottle.. But now, it has gotten to the point where he isn't iterested in any of his bottles. He use to open right up and suck down his bottles.. Now, he seals up his lips and wants nothing to do with them. Sometimes he will drink about 2oz or so, but then that's it, he won't take anymore..

    I'm worried he isn't getting enough nutrients, but I also don't want to force him to drink. What worries me the most, is that after sleeping for 10-11 hours at night, he doesn't want a bottle... Has anyone else gone thru this? Any thoughts or sugguestions for a little piece of mind would help!!!!
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine went through little stages where they didn't want to eat. Is he teething or not feeling well? If it lasts more than a few days or if he stops wetting diapers I would definitely call your pedi.
  3. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    It does seem like both of them are teething.. But I have also thought that for the past 2 months, and no teeth has popped thru yet.. he drools like crazy and seems to always need a toy to nibble on.. So I would say yes he is teething, just no sign of teeth about to pop thru.. And he always does have wet diapers..
    Will he be uninterested until his teeth pop thru??
  4. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    Hae you tryed maybe some teething gel? Maybe his gums hurt and the bottles make him ouchy!
    Will he take a sippy...

    I am sorry, I am just grabbing at straws to help you.

  5. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    We haven't tried teething gel, but we have teething tablets. They seem to help, but ony for like 15-20 minutes... I heard that teething gel can be dangerous, because it numbs their whole mouth, and they can choke on their tongue...

    I have tried sippy cups. But for some reason, they get nothing out of them.. I've tried a couple different brands, I guess they can't figure them out, which is wierd because they work like a bottle. But I will give it a try again!!

  6. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    what size nipples are you using? it might be time to go up a level. he might be getting frustrated with having to work so hard to get anything out... have you tried tylenol or motrin for any potential teething pain? FWIW, i was worried about oragel too and tried it once while we were in teething hell and it only made them more upset, so i think it is useless... but that is just my experience. the only other thing that crosses my mind is that he may have an ear infection, it does hurt them to suck when they have one. if he continues to not want to eat, i would probably mention it to your pedi, just to be on the safe side.

    oh, and it might take them a while to figure out the sippies, don't worry about that, we introduced them at 6 months and they didn't figure our what the heck to do with them for like 2 months when i finally switched to straw sippies...
  7. MyMMchelle

    MyMMchelle Active Member

    Thanks for the ear infection tip.. Actually, he has had alot of ear wax I have noticed, it seems like I have to clean his ears everyday.. I don't know if that is a sign of an ear infection or not.. But when you said that, that is the first thing that came to mind... I will have the pedi check that out!!
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My guess is teething too. Try giving him the teething tabs and within a minute or two try the bottle, it might alleviate the pain long enough for him to eat more. Also try giving him motrin or tylenol, preferably before his bedtime bottle to get him to eat that bottle for sure.

    It could be an ear infection, the only signs my kids ever have is they are fussy, fussy, fussy!! Never have a fever or anything else. Ear wax isn't a sign of an infection, just an abundance of ear wax! ;)

    And for what it's worth, my oldest dd started teething at 3 months and didn't get her first tooth until 9 months, and then her second at 9 months 1 week. It can last forever! :eek: :hug:
  9. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    This is GREAT!! Since we have been dealing with teething for over a month and only 1 tooth so far....

    Okay back on topic!

  10. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    I agree it is most likely teething! My girls always go off their bottles when there teething, they have been on and off since 3 months old but stil no teeth :headbang: I spoon feed them cereal mixed with formula, i don't know if this is an option for you? When they are really bad with them i give ibruprofen and paracetomol and they do seem to get some relief.

    Although one of my girls has an ear infection and i blamed it on teething for too long! If you are in doubt please don't hesitate to call your pedi for advice. Not to worry you further but the only symptoms my girl had were those that are associated with teething so it is worth getting it checked out.

    I hope ge gets better soon!
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