6 weeks preg just found out

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by rainkane, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    Hey there, So Im 6 weeks just found out last week, I really dont belive in telling people before 3 months just in case but I needed to tell someone and who else to tell then people who you dont actaully know! lol My family is going to freek out when I tell them,, so Im just going to keep it to myself until they ask why im gaining weight lol. Im still freeking out a little in my head.. my boys are so good they are 1 year, not walking yet but getting into everything, i keep telling myself then the new baby comes they will be my little helpers, or they will be daddys boys or something like that, My Husband stays home with the kids while I work so they have grown quite attached to him , so thats a good thing i guess! I am just starting to feel the morning sickness, more so in the day and evening, before I knew I was preg I noticed that I didnt have the energy I usually have, I run most mornings and I was finding it really hard to the point where I didn't think I would make it lol then I realized I was preg and figured thats why. I teach a bootcamp so it will be challenging keeping it a secret while having to get them to exercise while im slacking. Im a little concerned about how we are all going to fit in our house, we have a big house but the lay out is all wrong, we have two rooms upstairs, and more down in the basement, but I dont want to put two year olds in the unfinished basement, so I guess baby will have to sleep in my room till its sleeping through the night then in the boys room with them? and the dresseres will have to go in my room haha its going to be tight, and we have a truck so we need to get a van so we can all fit in it. BUt we have 1.5 years left on the lease so we are stuck with that until then, so have to buy a cheep used van I guess I dont know, is it to early to start stressing about this or should I hury and make sure I have things organised? Im stil processing the fact that I am preg again!
  2. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know its what everyone says but It WILL all work out!

    good luck on keeping it a secret

  3. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your pregnancy! Remember that you have 9 months to get everything figured out. It will all work out! My twins and new baby will be 21 months apart. It was overwhelming when I found out about this pregnancy and it still is sometimes.
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Good luck. You can do it. Just take it slow. We are also trying to figure out room arrangements and have to get a van as well. Our Elantra just won't hold us all after the babies get here. I would start planning now but not stressing, you have a while to get it all worked out. Wait until you feel beter and then can work on some of the problems.
  5. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    So you are having Twins again! how does that feel? Did you find out right away? Were you trying? IM wondering if it will be twins again for me, Its funny because once you have twins you think oh one will be so easy, but then for some reason I have a little voice in the back of my head that thinks it would be cool to be pregnant with twins again, the after party might be crazy lol but I loved being pregnant with twins it was soo incredible! especially when I was huge and I could see feet sticking out of my belly botton!
  6. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Our b/g twins are 13 1/2 months older than our our dd. So our babies are almost 19 months and almost 6 months. Yes, your older babies can definitely help with the new baby. Before our dd was born I spent a lot of time with the twins working with them and their baby dolls. I taught them how to "love," "kiss," "pat," etc. and it really paid off. Now they give hugs, kisses and pats to their little sis all the time. They also put her paci in for her when we're in the car, bring her her lovey and give her toys. All of the logistics will work out too, so enjoy this time and rest while you can.
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