6 pairs of underwear enough?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Lately dd has been showing signs of being ready - especially that she just can't stand to have a wet/poopy diaper anymore & will tell me when she's gone. The other day I was with my sisters & dd says "Potty!" so one of my sisters volunteered to take her. They camed back & my sis was really surprised at how well she did.....she said she acted like she knew just what to do (only didn't actually poop, just had gas) & asked if I'd already started PT. I said not really, but we do have a little potty & she likes to go sometimes. But I thought about it & told dh let's give it a try.......she's also recently developed an allergy to her diapers & I'm having a hard time finding a brand she doesn't break out from, so maybe it's time!

    We went to the store & got her some "big girl panties" which she oohed and ahhed over the whole time......kept pulling them out & saying "Wow! Cute!" :) I'm going to wait till this weekend, I think, when I have the whole day & maybe dh can take ds for something fun. I just don't know if I got enough underwear, though......will 6 pair be enough?? Also, do you put them back in diapers for naps? Any other words of wisdom before we begin? I'm so nervous!! My sister said when she PT her son, they set a timer for every 30 min they'd just take him to the potty. I've got a timer, the potty seat, 6 pairs of underwear, a bag of jelly beans & lots of toilet paper!
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Six pairs might get you through the first day. It really depends on how many accidents she has. I would get more.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    It really depends. I think we have 12 pair or so, but we only use at most a couple of day. BUT, Sofia only had a 1 pee accident and a couple poopy accidents in the beginning. Now that she is pretty much trained she just uses 1 pair a day.
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    If you buy a lot, she'll train with few accidents. If you go with 6, she'll be out by 4:30. It's Murphy's Law, you know.

    I have something like 18 total for both boys and they trained with few accidents. We're still using diapers at nap & bedtime because they are wake-up poopers. Until that stops, diapers it is.
  5. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    Sorry to be so late, but... we used pull-ups for naps & night, but we always called them their "night-night pants." We didn't want them to think of p-u's ( :rofl: , what a funny abbreviation for them!) as their Plan B, just part of their pajamas. They were for our benefit, not theirs! Within a week of being daytime trained, we ditched p-u's altogether.

    6 pairs sounds like just barely enough. Won't she be wearing them once she's trained anyway? If you get them in 3-packs, I'd say 9 or 12.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would start her with NOTHING on at first. For the first few days, then graduate her to panties!!

    I hope it's going well. We are doing it now too!!! It's harder than I imagined!
  7. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Apr 13 2008, 04:08 PM) [snapback]719622[/snapback]
    I would start her with NOTHING on at first. For the first few days, then graduate her to panties!!

    I, too, always start my kids out with NOTHING on at first. Then go to panties. You will have some accidents initially with panties, just because having something on makes them think "diaper". But, that shouldn't last for too long. And as far as pull-ups go, I use them only with our first trips in public. I also make sure they know they are "paper panties" or "paper underwear" so they still think they are their big kid pants and keep them dry. We took the boys to church yesterday in "paper underwear" for their first public trip (we've been great at home in underwear and even up to clothes right now). They both kept their pull-ups dry and both went potty in the church bathroom yesterday (and we were there yesterday from 9-1:30). They were even way past their nap time and still did well. I think stressing them as underwear instead of a diaper works.

    But, to your original question, I'd probably have more than 6 to start with. You'll need them all eventually anyway.

    You can do it!!
  8. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm training both at once, and we went through 19 pairs in 6 hours the first day. I suppose 6 may last if she gets the concept quickly.
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I think we had two packages (with three in each package) when I started my oldest. He had a couple accidents the first week during the day so I did have to do laundry quickly but I think we made it through. I would start and then buy another package this week at Walmart if you think you need it. Take her with you to pick it out. She'll think its a reward for PTing. :)
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