6-month-old twins' feeding schedule

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ncoward, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. ncoward

    ncoward Active Member

    I have formula-fed 6-month-old twins who have been eating oatmeal cereal since they were 4 months old. We gradually introduced fruits and veggies. It seems like we are feeding them every hour. Does that make sense? And of course they prefer the solid food over the bottle. Here's their schedule:

    5-7 AM: wake and have a bottle (6 - 8 ounces)
    8-9 AM: 4 TBSP of oatmeal and 2.5 ounces of fruit
    nap after they eat
    11AM: bottle (6 ounces)
    12 PM (1 pm): Down for nap
    3PM: wake and have bottle (6 ounces)
    4PM: veggie (2-4 ounces)
    sometimes they nap after 4:30
    6 PM: bottle (6 ounces)
    7 PM: cereal (4TBSP)
    7:30/8:00 PM: bed (lately they've been wanted to go to bed by 7:15 PM)
  2. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    We were on a similar schedule when ours were 6 months old. We did 4 bottles a day and 3 solid meals. Bottles at 7, 11, 230 and 630 and solids at 8, 12, and 430/5. Naps were at 9 and 1. Ours are almost 1 and we are still on this schedule, although I have noticed that ours are not that in to their bottles. So, I think we are close to dropping the afternoon or mid morning bottle.

    Sounds like you are on the right track!
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I always did solids and bottles at the same time. I was too busy to be feeding them every 2 hours all day long. And really, who eats that many times a day? We did breakfast (7 am), lunch (11 am), "dinner" (3 pm) and bedtime bottle at 7 pm. When they were just over a year, we moved their 3 pm "dinner" to our dinner time and gave them a small snack at 3 and then gave them their cup at bedtime so they still had milk 4 times a day. It was at about 15 mos we moved the bedtime cup to dinner and gave them water at 3 pm so they got 3 cups of milk a day.

    I'd combine your bottles/solids and give yourself more time for other things.
  4. ncoward

    ncoward Active Member

    We were giving them a bottle while eating solids, but the problem was that they didn't want the bottle--they found the solid food more interesting. We know that they need the nutrients from the bottle more than the cereal, so it's more important that they have that bottle. And to your point "KTFAN", who does eat that many times? And who has the time? that's why I wondered what other's schedules were because I do feel like it's impossible to get all the food in a day.

    We were giving them a bottle while eating solids, but the problem was that they didn't want the bottle--they found the solid food more interesting. We know that they need the nutrients from the bottle more than the cereal, so it's more important that they have that bottle. And to your point "KTFAN", who does eat that many times? And who has the time? that's why I wondered what other's schedules were because I do feel like it's impossible to get all the food in a day.
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If they aren't taking very much of the bottle doing them together, do the bottle first then the solids. As long as they are getting 16 (on the very low end) to 24 oz a day, they're good. Most docs want you to shoot for 20 oz. I flat out refused to feed them bottles and solids separately. If they took enough of the bottle, they could have as much solids as they wanted even if that meant only a few spoonfuls.
  6. DoubleE

    DoubleE Member

    I as some of the others said feed them solids right after their bottles. Just so you have another example this is our schedule

    Wake 6 Bottle only
    Nap by 8
    Wake 9 (3 hrs later because they only had a bottle) Bottle and then solid food breakfast
    Nap when they are fussy, anytime after 11 but for sure down by 12
    Wake 1 (4 hrs later because they had a bottle and food) Bottle then solid lunch
    Nap at 4
    Wake 5 (4 hrs later) bottle then solid dinner
    Bath and bed time 7-8

    Adjusted by an hour if they wake at 7
  7. ncoward

    ncoward Active Member

    Thanks everyone. It seems like we're on the right schedule. It works for them!
  8. Arelis97

    Arelis97 Member

    When did u give them the milk? Did u mix it in with the solids ? Or did u give it to them right after the solids
  9. MomRN

    MomRN New Member

    Our twins are almost on the same schedule, though my husband and I found out after their food, they like to 'top it off' with a bottle. Granted, we are only doing 2 real food meals a day, working our way up to 3, but this seemed to help so we weren't constantly feeding. Hope this helps!
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