6 mo. old DD to have blood drawn tomorrow

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Erineliza, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    My DD has had two cases of patechia- a rash that develops due to blood vessels bursting under the skin. Often times it is a result of some type of blood disorder. She is going to have to go to the pedi office tomorrow so they can look her over- and they mentioned on the phone they will most likely draw blood. I didn't think to ask on the phone- but does anyone know how they do that with someone so young? I would like to try to be "mentally" prepared before we go since I am sure it won't be pretty.
  2. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Just sending both of you hugs for tomorrow. :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:

  3. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    When Ella had pneumonia at 6 months...it was awful. I won't lie. She screamed and they had to hold her down. I think they stuck her 6 times before they really got a good one. I broke out in hives. I wanted to leave, but didn't want to leave..but on the other side she was partially dehydrated too..so that made it very hard for them to find her veins. THey say it's tough on babies due to the "baby fat" on their arms..I"m sorry you guys have to go through that. I'll be hoping for the best. I don't mean to scare you, just want you to be mentally and emotionally prepared. Can someone else go too in case you need to step outside for a few minutes???

    Edited to add : THey try arms first, then hands I think, then feet..with an IV...the next place to try was the head..
  4. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    A word of encouragment .. Jesse had to have blood drawn alot when we were trying to figure out what his allergies were and the person who did it was so terrific .. he never felt it. I also had the same great experience when Jayden had blood drawn at that age. Maybe you'll luck out and have a real GOOD nurse !
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ana has had blood drawn 3 times since being discharged from the NICU. The first time was at 3 months old and they took it from her hand and she didn't even flinch. The second time was to rule out a blood infection (like it sounds like they are doing for your little one). She was 5 1/2 months old and it was rough. I won't lie. We were sent to urgent care from the pedi's office and they tried to get it from her arm, but couldn't get a good vein so they went thru her hand again, but this time it took me plus three nurses to hold her down. It broke all our hearts. The third time was last month (so a little older than your little one), but it wasn't bad. My DH held her in the crook of his arm. One phlebotomist held her arm steady, while the other did the blood draw. There was some crying, but not much.

    Hopefully your experience will be like our 1st or 3rd with Ana. GL and let us know how she is.
  6. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Moodyzblu @ Aug 17 2008, 12:44 AM) [snapback]933641[/snapback]
    A word of encouragment .. Jesse had to have blood drawn alot when we were trying to figure out what his allergies were and the person who did it was so terrific .. he never felt it. I also had the same great experience when Jayden had blood drawn at that age. Maybe you'll luck out and have a real GOOD nurse !

    Wow! I think that was part of our problem!! The nurses that were doing Ella's weren't pediatric nurses! Ummm...DUH! I had no idea! Tip ****ask for a pediatric nurse if available!***
  7. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Erineliza @ Aug 16 2008, 07:36 PM) [snapback]933628[/snapback]
    My DD has had two cases of patechia- a rash that develops due to blood vessels bursting under the skin. Often times it is a result of some type of blood disorder. She is going to have to go to the pedi office tomorrow so they can look her over- and they mentioned on the phone they will most likely draw blood. I didn't think to ask on the phone- but does anyone know how they do that with someone so young? I would like to try to be "mentally" prepared before we go since I am sure it won't be pretty.

    Mine came home on caffeine. Both babies had to have their blood drawn to check their levels at 5 mos. Babies that young don't usually anticipate pain so you shouldn't have a problem until she is actually stuck. The nurse stuck the babies in crook of their elbow but towards the outside. Neither baby cried until they felt the prick and for a few minutes after until they got a bottle. If yours take pacis, she may be okay with that and being held. If not, I'd bring bottles and expect to feed her/them whether they're due or not. For us, if one cries the other joins in so you may need to feed both. If you're alone, usually a nurse will take pity on you and help. If they don't, ASK.

    Good luck. It sucks to know you're doing something that hurts but it's to help in the long run.
  8. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I do some pediatric nursing (our hospital doesn't see many) so I guess I know some about peds lab draws. Plus, my DS Aiden has to get lab this week prior to his surgery next week, so I'm not too far behind you (except he's older).

    First & foremost, I'd request a numbing cream if they have it (I plan to insist it). It's called EMLA or LMX, depending upon what your clinic may (or may not) use. It's usually applied like a lotion to the sites most commonly used & then a 'sticker' is placed over it. It's peeled off & rubbed off prior to the lab draw about 30 mins later & helps with the pain experienced from the poke.

    Regardless of if there's any numbing, most kids cry more from being held down than the actual poke. It's generally VERY hard on parents. I'm not quite sure how I'll be when it's my OWN kid there after comforting NUMEROUS kids in the hospital. Pacifiers, bottles, loveys are always recommended immediately afterwards.

    Like someone said, please ask for someone with experience drawing on kids. Kids are VERY hard to hit because their veins are little & under lots of pudge (I know from experience!!!) so you want someone who's done it more than a few times.

    Hopefully your experience won't be too horrendous...not much worse than shots (same with ours later this week!).

    Oh, and a side note, Aiden has gotten petechiae twice with really bad viral infections (RSV was one, I forget the other...I think just a nasty bug). I panicked, but always chose to wait on labwork & he always got better. Since we're getting labs drawn this week anyway, I'm opting to have some blood studies done just to ease my mind officially :). Hopefully they won't find anything & your daughter is just like my son...gets it with bad viruses!

  9. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Indira had some done at 4 months at the hospital and two IV sticks and she cried more that they held her down because as soon as I picked her up she stopped crying. I think that is the worse part aside from the feeling of getting "pinched". I would take someone with you so if the other baby acts up you have extra hands to handle all the crying.
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