5 year old...grabbing his butt (all the time)

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    He walks holding his butt.

    he runs holding his butt.

    He stands holding his butt.

    What is that all about? I ask him and he doesn't say anything...
  2. Tracy-mom to twin boys

    Tracy-mom to twin boys Well-Known Member

    LOL!!! Maybe he has to poop! Is he potty trained? I think that kids think if they hold their butt it won't come out. I know that one of my boys was afraid to poop. Or- he's just doing the "guy thing"- although they usuallly grab the front-lol! Probably just a phase he's going through- but ask him about the poop thing.

    Mom to Griffin & Alex :itwins_boys:
    03/14/02 34wks
  3. Tracy-mom to twin boys

    Tracy-mom to twin boys Well-Known Member

    Sorry- just realized your post said it is your 5 yr old-so I'm sure he is potty trained. Maybe it hurts when he poops. Griffin went through that- he had a rectal fissure so he would refuse to poop and he got all bound up and was sick. He needed enemas to help and now he takes Miralax to keep his poo soft (sorry if that is tmi). Hope it is just a phase.

  4. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Is he just holding or itching? Maybe he is not wiping quite well enough?
  5. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    My first thought was that maybe his underwear is too tight? At the end of the year, when my boys are all due for new unders, we get a lot more butt holding and adjusting of too-tight underwear. Just a thought!
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    LOL! I don't know but Brandon does everything w/ one finger in his schnoz. Seriously, I'm always batting his hand away from his nose telling him he's going to make it bleed!
    That and he's always hiking up his pants. . . what's that about?
  7. Giovanna

    Giovanna Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking if it's nothing physical.....it might just be a wedgie.
    It's probably uncomfortable and riding up...and holding his but helps keep the undies in place.
    Just a thought.......
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