5 months fussy again

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My twins are a bit over 5 months. Since 3 months, they stopped crying all the time and slept through night. But recently (2 weeks) we start crying again day and night. We don't cry constantly. They just get fussy and cry sometimes. If we pick them up comfort them, then they stop. Night time, suddenly my boy screams. He's not hungry, just need to be held. I know they are teething right now. At least that's my guess.but I don't want to blame evrything on teething. We eat their hands, fingers a lot not their food though.its like they changed from happy babies back to unhappy babies. They are healthy though, no fever, no sickness. Did anybody experience this? Please help! Thanks!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    No one can say for sure until you actually SEE the tooth come through, but that sounds like teething to me. Our poor LO's recently popped out three top teeth in the span of less than a month, and we have been miserable - fussy, clingy, and crying during the day, barely sleeping at night. It hasn't affected them eating, but the sleeping and crying, yes. They actually slept almost all night last night (I had to get up once with each of them) - I'm waiting to see if we are going to get a break from the teething, or if the fourth top tooth is going to come through first. They are only 8.5 months and almost have as many teeth as they are supposed to have at a year old!! Our guys never have a fever with the teething, btw.

    Have you tried tylenol? How about teething gel? I prefer the Hyland's to the Orajel. And some people swear by the teething tablets, although we didn't find that they helped very much for us. If it is teething, those things should help. Also, try cold things to chew on. Gabriel loves the things you put in the refrigerator - Michael just prefers things with nubs on them - experiment and see what they like.

    If it's not teething, do they have reflux? Maybe that has flared up?
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm going with teething. If nothing else works-diaper change, bottle/food, comforting, I'm going with teething. And like a pp said, until you SEE that tooth, it's hard to say. But, if all else fails-I'd go with teething. Keep some toys in the fridge/freezer so they can chew on them. Or take a wash cloth, wet it, and put it in the freezer. I'm sure they'd like that! I know someone on here once mentioned green onion as well. Just take the long green onion and let them chew on it. Supposed to work-I never tried it though.

    Good luck! I've found parenting is always a guessing game!
  4. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Sounds like teething to me - so just do what you can to alleviate the pain. We use mesh baby feeding bags filled with frozen fruit and that seems to help a lot. On nights when they are particularly fussy we`d give them some Tempra. They could also just be going through a stage where they want Mommy more! Whatever the reason, it should pass soon (only to give way to a new, mysterious stage of baby behaviour!! :laughing:)
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Its been going on like more than a month. But my boy just gets so fussy for the past 2 weeks. Its getting worst and worst.he completely refuses bottles. Only ways make him eat which are feed him when he's asleep or hold him and walk in the garden.now he starts drooling which he didn't before.last night I cleaned his mouth.I saw the lower gum was red. It bumped up. There was a red line on the botton gum.weird thing is he talks a lot these days.I mean constantly talking. He is also so needy. And only me can calm him down. His dad can't even calm him down either.like he cries for 30 mins, but as soon as I hold him. He stops instantly. Is it weird? But I have to work. So when he's fussy hid dad has to drive them around or take them out to the park.my husband said the he's spoiled. I'm not sure if that's true.he doesn't have reflux. His sis has. But she doesn't get that fussy and cries like him.last night, I gace him tylenol before bed. He slept until 5. Then he opened his eyes and screamed his head off. Even me couldn't calm him down right away.I don't know when this is over. But it seems like never
  6. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    If you are seeing red bumps on the gums, then hopefully it is coming soon. Our boys started drooling, fussing, biting, etc. at about 3.5 months. Michael finally got a tooth a week before he was 6 months, and Gabriel got his two weeks later. Michael gets VERY clingy and needy when he is about to get another tooth - that is not unusual and I wouldn't consider it being spoiled because once the tooth comes through, he goes back to "normal" (which for him is to NOT be clingy).

    If the tylenol works, give it to him during the day, too. I know I said this before, but have you tried teething gel or tablets? Letting him chew on cool things? Those all help us, too.
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Nothing works. I tried the gel. Hylands teeth tablets work abit. Only tylenol works the best. But I don't want to give him that often.he doesn't like any teeth toys, cold washclot. All he likes is chewing his hand or my finger. One day, when he was playing with his sis, he grabbed her hand and chewed her hand. I thought its funny at first.I'm not sure what is going on anymore. I just made doc visit and will take them both in today after work.the weather is so damn cold at night and hot in the day in ohio night. I just wanna make sure they don't have ear infection which I don't think they have bc they don't have fever at all.just wanna make sure evrything is ok. Hmm I like being parent. But this part sucks
  8. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    It's always good to check for an ear infection - I took Michael in once to check for that very thing. If your LO is happy chewing on his hand, let him. You are very right - this part of teething sucks!

    If the teething tablets helped, you might also try something called Nova drops - they sell them at local health food stores around here. They have similar ingredients to the teething tablets, but seem to last longer. They didn't help us much, but they helped my nephew a lot. It's mostly trial and error at this point.
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