5 Months Feeding Question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Haydie, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    I exculsively BF the twins. They go to daycare so I pump for those days. They had been taking 3oz every 2-3 hours. I have never fed them a bottle, so I don't know how much they get from me at feedings. The daycare said they are acting like they are not satisfied after the bottle. We also feed them solids when they get home. So how much does your 5 month old eat per bottle? How much should I be feeding them?
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    At that age, our LO's were eating around 6.5 ounces in each bottle, 5 bottles a day (sometimes the night bottle they would only eat 4-5oz.). They were not eating any solids yet - we had to wait for that until 6 months.

    How much are you giving them in the bottles? I would suggest increasing it a 1/2 oz. at a time and see if that satisfies them. That way it is not wasted by a huge increase. 1/2 oz. can make a huge difference.
  3. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    Right now they were taking 3oz per bottle just while at school a few days a week. I feel bad everything I have read said 6-8oz per bottle. I just had no clue. I have never bf a baby this long and guess I just forgot the when what and where of feeding.
  4. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    Yea, at 5 months I think we were moving towards 8 ounces, 4 times a day.

    IMO, you can pump more than just 1/2 an ounce over the 3 ounces - they will only eat what they want. Maybe try to pump a 4 or 5 ounce bottle.
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My twins are a bit over 5 months. They have been had ebm since day 1. But I don't have enough, so they have 5 ebm and 2 formula bottles/day. They eat 4-5oz/ 3 hours, mostly 4 oz.my kids never eat 6-8oz. I heard breast fed babies don't intake as many oz as formula fed babies. I think in the weekend, you should pump and give them bottles only, then you'll know how much they eat every 3 hours. My girl eats 4oz/3 hrs. But she get hungry around 2.5hrs. So we give her 5oz bottles for after 2pm feedings.
    I pump b4 going to bed, then b4 going tp work. Then I mix it up. Night time, the milk has a lot of fat. In the morning, its foremilk.so if I milk it up, the kids won't get hungry b4 3hrs.good luck
  6. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I would only add a little bit to each bottle and if they finish that, then add more right then and keep going til they are full. That way you aren't wasting any ebm.
  7. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    Good point - definitely don't want to waste EBM!
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah I would be aiming for 5-6 ounces at this point, if not a bit more. Maybe up it to 4.5 ounces and see how they do? Gradually up the intake and hopefully you will be able to gauge where they are. If they were only taking 3oz every 2-3 hours, they should start to hopefully space out their feedings a bit more too.

    Good luck!
  9. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    My girls are 5.5 months, we were doing 6 bottles of 5.5-6 oz every 3 hours up until exactly 5 months, then we cahnged our scheudle to every 3.5 hours they get 6-6.5 oz, we are still adjusting as they were doing so good with their other scheudle, but they are doing well with it. I would suggest giving them more. BUT MOST frustrating thing is when you make it and they dont eat it and you waste EBM, (thats all my girls get no formula) dont want to waste that precious milk, so i would increase it by an oz, and then a half oz after that. plus your Lo's are getting older and should be able to go longer btwn feeds, but need more milk to do so! goooooooooood luck :)
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