5 fee fall

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by djkbjk09, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. djkbjk09

    djkbjk09 New Member

    My youngest twin fell off a playground over a week ago. Right away he started not bearing weight on his left leg. We took him to the emergency room to get looked over. They did an xray of his left femur and found nonthing. The ER told us to come back in 24 hrs for a recheck. Since it happen out of town we call our doctor and schedule an appointment on monday, two days later. The ped dr took xrays of his hip and found nonthing. She refer us a orthropedic specialist and saw her on tuesday. She took xrays of his femur and knee and found nonthing. She told us he should be up and running by saturday. Well is is monday and still not walking at all and in pain. We are alternating between Tylenol and Advil per nurses advice to relieve pain. He is crawling, sitting and moving both legs. He does not having a single strach or bruise on him. No swelling what so ever. We are lost, he is seeing the othropedic again tomorrow for more xrays and going over him again. We have not had on doctor do a head to toe examine on him since the fall. Could it be a strain or sprain, sevre bruising. Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this? Thanks
  2. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    Not with a child but I personally experienced something like this in high school. I jumped out of a swing and landed wrong on my foot. It took four doctors to figure out I had strained a muscle. In fact, it took an MRI to find out. Strains are hard to detect, and MRIs are not the first choice of most doctors. I ended up with pain killers and physical therapy because there really isn't much treatment otherwise. I hope your LO is feeling better very soon!
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    It could definitely be a strain or sprain....those don't usually show up on x-ray. Where does he say it hurts - is it somewhere that could be wrapped up or put a splint on? Maybe heat or ice, too?

    Also, any chance he is just scared of walking again because of what happened??
  4. djkbjk09

    djkbjk09 New Member

    He usally reacts to above the knee, but somedays it could be his lower leg and then he also saids his groin area. We another appointment with orthro tommorrow and of course he is getting more xrays, and maybe a MRI. I think he is also scared. He is the one that took until 19 months to walk cause he was stubborn. Thanks for all the replys
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