5 1/2 and holding her poop what should i do?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Gin Elliott, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    She has to take Miralax once in a while..but a few days ago she had a hard time and it was bloody and it freaked her out big time..

    she went to bed at 7:30 but was up whining at 9:30 my butt my butt...she has said that for 2 days, I ask her if she went but she said no....and then yes...

    she is at summer school so I dont know if she did or not...

    what can you do for a 5 1/2 year old that is easy... 3 days of Miralax is not working...she is holding I am sure of it..she is gasy...but then again she always it...

    I have always had issue w/her holding it do to anything....and she has the auto flush pottys and school which she hates due to the noise..she doesnt like noiese to anything at all...
  2. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Ok 11pm last night we finally went in I am guessing 4 days...it was still bloody but maybe the meds are working I will keep her on it for a while to help her....:) FINALLY!!!!!!
  3. 2 Munchkins

    2 Munchkins Well-Known Member

    I can relate, Isabel has the same issues (w/out the blood). We've tried everything, but nothing really helps for us. We make sure she drinks a lot of water throught the day, and that's seems to help.
  4. Anna3

    Anna3 Well-Known Member

    I would just keep giving her Miralax for a few weeks daily, so she calms down about going and all the pain is gone. You can also use Mineral Oil ( just add it to juice or cereal, or oatmeal), that really helped one of my boys. For a 5 year olds you need to give pretty large amount of mineral oil ( my guess is a table spoon or more a day - you can ask your doctor). My son takes fiber supplement daily too, and it had been working well. Good luck!
  5. Mama_Kim

    Mama_Kim Well-Known Member

    Craig had issues with holding it in too. Finally when he started bleeding (rectal tear) we took him to the pedi who had us introduce more fiber in his diet and also put him on a daily dose of Miralax for 6 months to get things flowing again. He was diagnosed with encopresis. Since then, he has been fine. I highly recommend you talk to your pedi about the issue!
  6. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    I totally do not mean to make light of the serious situation you have here, but honestly when I read your title, I thought she was putting her hand in the toilet and grabbing her poop! :eek:

    Sorry, I couldn't resist..... ;)
  7. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    LOL! that is funny!
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