4 YO that doesnt want to sleep in her bed

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by DATJMom, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Leah came down with Strep last Thursday night. So we were up with her that night and Friday night with high fevers and she was very uncomfortable. So, she started out in her bed and ended up in ours both nights because I just didnt want to keep getting out of bed every 2 hours to tend to her. Well last night she came up with every excuse in the book after being asleep for a few hours in her room to not sleep in her bed and want to come to ours. Some of which were quite humorous; however, now she doesnt want to sleep in her bed.

    Is there a way to "reason" with her? Do I let a 4 year old CIO? I have never had to do it with any of my kids. And I really dont want to let her cry as the boys room is right next to hers and I dont need 3 kids awake at 2am.

    Thanks for your suggestions.
  2. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I try not to let the girls in bed with us either. How about having her sleep on the floor next to your bed? Usually my girls choose their beds over the floor, but they have been known to get their pillows and blankets and camp out next to me on the floor.

    I hope you get other ideas!
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Did she say why she wanted to sleep in your bed? I obviously have no experience with 4 year olds, but is she feel feeling crummy? If you can reason with her, I'd definitely try that... you need your sleep too. :hug:
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would tell her that Big Girls have to sleep in their beds to set a good example for their younger sibs. Also, tell her that you understand - but that the expectation is that she sleep in her room. Then maybe reward her for not coming in for a while! (Few days). Tell her if she stays in her bed for the week, she'll get a trip to the dollar store with a few bucks to shop? Just at thought - or just tell her that's how it is and there's no way around it...
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