4 year olds being silly ALL the time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kkfisher, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. kkfisher

    kkfisher Member

    Hi everyone- Anyone have twins that play off each other ALL the time and refuse to focus or listen because they are too busy being silly together? My boys are like this a lot. At times when they are supposed to be listening or doing something in a music class, they are in their own little world--oblivious that there was even a direction given!

    We are constantly working on listening skills at home, and I feel like we are consistent there. But they are very easily "lost" in a large group setting. What can I do about this?!

    This week they are at Vacation Bible School, and so far I don't know that they are getting much out of it. From what I've seen they are just misbehaving and being goofy together instead of enjoying the activities or music. I feel like unless I am there telling them "no, pay attention" or "stop doing that!" they are off task. I DO understand that this is somewhat normal for their age. But I also know that together, they act up a lot more than other kids--their "helper" today called them "wild!"

    They are VERY sweet, loving boys....and they actually like to please adults--but most of the time they just don't pay attention to what is going on around them! They just would rather be silly together. I have thought of separating them in classes--may need to start this I guess.

    Anyone go through this? Advice? Will it get better? What am I doing wrong?!
  2. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i don't think you are necessarily doing something wrong. some kids would just rather do their own thing than do what others are doing....and yours have a built-in accomplice! separating might work, since you think they feed off of each other. good luck!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My oldest is not a twin but I have to say since he turned 4, he got awfully silly all the time, at home and at school. He doesn't even need another kid to work off of! :lol: It drives me nuts because it's like he ignores me and any instruction he is getting! But I have come to a conclusion that its a little kid thing, a phase really and I think it strikes boys worse and a while longer than girls. So hang in there! :hug99:
  4. alomum

    alomum Active Member

    OMG - YES, YES, YES. I haven't been on the forum for quite a while and logged on tonight to see if anyone else was experiencing this with 4 year olds. If you get any good ideas for breaking through the silliness please let me know.
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