4 month appointments - shameless brag

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 3greysandamutt, May 12, 2008.

  1. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    My boys had their 4-month check-ups today, and everything looks fabulous! Our doc had no real concerns, with the exception of Benny's reflux, whihc he is already medicated for.

    (My baby scale at home must not be calibrated properly, because I've been getting higher weight readings at home; but, I am thrilled with their weight gain and overall growth!)
    My baby A, AJ, entered the world on 1-11-08 at 5lb5oz and 18.5 inches. Four months later, he measures in at 15lb13oz and 26inches! (He tripled his weight in 4 months!)
    My baby B, Ben, was a miniscule 4lb13oz at birth, and 16.5 inches long. Today, he was 12lb10oz and 24 inches long!
    At birth, AJ was barely on the height scale, and not at all on the weight scale; Benny was on neither scale. Today, AJ is around 75% for weight, and between 75 and 90% for height. Benny was around 10% for both. Of course, if I used their adjusted age (they were 5 weeks early), AJ would be off the top of the charts, and Benny would be closer to the middle! Except for some formula supplementation in their first 10 days, both babes have been on a straight diet of mama milk!

    I've been wanting my DH to take some pics of me with my kids, and he finally did it yesterday! (Last week, I had given AJ a bath, when I caught a glimpse in the mirror of his cute dimpled naked behind sitting on my arm, and I thought, "that is just a picture waiting to be taken!" so that is why I have some nudie pics of the boys! :lol:

    Mama and two nudies
    Me with the 3 loves of my life!
    Mama and her 2 boyfriends
  2. erinkontos

    erinkontos Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous pictures!!!! Your family is beautiful.

    WAY TO GO on an AWESOME apt.!!!
    You must be so excited - what a great bf success story. ;-)
  3. bighairwoman

    bighairwoman Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous gorgeous pics!! love the nudies and well done at your appointment :D
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Such cute pictures! You all look great. And, what wonderful news at their appointment -- lucky, healthy babies to be growing big and strong on breastmilk! :Clap:
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Jessica, sounds like the boys are doing great!! :Clap: Great pictures too! You and your kiddos are beautiful! :wub:
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Beautiful family!! :)
  7. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    What wonderful pictures!!! I love the naked ones! haha. I'm glad you had a good 4 month appointment, yay for healthy & growing boys :wub:
  8. Shellstwins

    Shellstwins Member

    Great pictures, your family is beautiful!
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